Search Results for: sustainability

Pages (14 results)


Sustainability Summer Minor and Certificate

Make sustainability your work, your future, and your world. The Energy and Resources Group’s Sustainability Minor/Certificate program offers a practical and relevant interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of environmental, economic, ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Minor/Certificate FAQs

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning What is the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous instruction, and online courses vs. remote instruction courses? Courses originally offered online (i.e. Energy and Society and Water ... Continue Reading »

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Minor/Certificate in Sustainability — Courses

Summer 2024 Curriculum ERG’s minor and certificate require a minimum of five courses and 15 total units of coursework, completed over one or two summers (or for a UC Berkeley ... Continue Reading »

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About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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Energy and Resources Group Office345 GianniniMain Phone: ChairProf. Duncan Head Graduate AdvisorProf. Isha Equity AdvisorProf. Lara Head Minor AdvisorProf. Lara Undergraduate Minor Academic AdvisorEnergy and ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Program Directory The information below is a directory of ERG programs. Please read through and contact us at for graduate program questions and for all other questions.  ... Continue Reading »

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Research at ERG

Through teaching, mentorship and research projects, ERG supports a diverse suite of basic and applied projects.  The goal of this engagement is to understand, inform, and transform the knowledge and ... Continue Reading »

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Water Group

Water Group

The ERG Water Group as an interdisciplinary collaboration focused on the social dimensions of water. Members work on issues of equitable access and efficient, sustainable management of freshwater resources for both humans and the environment in the US and across the globe.

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Undergraduate Minor in Energy and Resources

The Minor in Energy and Resources offers under­grad­u­ates basic knowl­edge and skills to address issues arising from the inter­ac­tion of social, eco­nomic, polit­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors shaping our world. ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Annual Lecture 2024

ERG Annual Lecture 2024

The Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley has, from its inception a half century ago, educated many of today’s experts and policymakers about the truly interdisciplinary nature of global ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (2 results)

Chung, Youjin

Youjin Chung

Assistant Professor

Youjin Chung is Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Equity with a joint appointment in the Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

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Kammen, Daniel M.

Daniel M. Kammen


Daniel Kam­men is the Dis­tin­guished Pro­fes­sor of Energy with appoint­ments in the Energy and Resources Group, The Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy, and the Depart­ment of Nuclear Engi­neer­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley.

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Students (8 results)

Ball-Burack, Ari

Ari Ball-Burack


Ari Ball-Burack is a first year PhD student in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Dr. Dan Kammen. He studies data and computational ... Continue Reading »

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Grayson, Alexandra

Alexandra Grayson


Alexandra (she/her) is a second-year Master of Science candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. She is particularly interested in furthering procedural environmental justice ... Continue Reading »

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Campbell, Nica

Nica Campbell


Nica Campbell is an PhD candidate at the Energy and Resources Group. Her research interests include corporate sustainability, environmental justice and policy making mechanisms. At ERG, she explores ways to ... Continue Reading »

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Gill-Wiehl, Annelise

Annelise Gill-Wiehl


Annelise Gill-Wiehl is currently an NSF Graduate Student Researcher and a Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Dr. Dan Kammen ... Continue Reading »

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Kersey, Jess

Jess Kersey


Jess Kersey is a fourth-year PhD student broadly interested in technology, regulation, and policy to improve energy access and climate adaptation efforts across multiple geographies including East Africa, Latin America, ... Continue Reading »

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Wagner, Tzipora

Tzipora Wagner


The Role of Stakeholder Networks in Urban Water System Innovation (MS ’20) Tzipora’s is interested in water resources and the role of technology in promoting sustainability, especially in the developing ... Continue Reading »

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Shears, Esther

Esther Shears


The Impact of Data Access on Academic Research: Evidence from the Land Remote-sensing Commercialization Act of 1984 (MS ’18) Esther researches how climate change will impact the financial sector and ... Continue Reading »

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Best, Dennis

Dennis Best


Dennis has focused his career on technology and sustainability policy in emerging and developing economies. His research interests include technology and innovation policy and impacts to resource and rural development, ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (32 results)

Ott, Zora

Zora Ott


Zora is a MA graduate in 2024 from the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in political ecology, climate-resilient development, deliberative processes, energy and climate justice, rural development and ... Continue Reading »

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Reyes, Victor

Victor Reyes


Hola! I’m Victor Reyes, a Mexican MS candidate. I have a BS/BA in Engineering with a concentration on Sustainability from the University of San Diego. My main interests are electric ... Continue Reading »

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Mallet Dias, Arthur

Arthur Mallet Dias


Promoting Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: A Review and Evaluation of Enterprise Facilitation (MS ’22) Arthur is interested in using sustainable innovation as a framework for designing new businesses, services, and ... Continue Reading »

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Moon, Sangcheol

Sangcheol Moon


Sangcheol is interested in feedstock resources and materials loop modeling under the scenario of institutional regulation to support circular economy, Industrial ecology, green chemistry, and the design and implementation mechanisms ... Continue Reading »

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Miller, Christian

Christian Miller


Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »

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Depsky, Nicholas

Nicholas Depsky


Drought in Central America: Past Patterns and Future Projections (MS ’19) Nick’s primary research focus is on the impacts of climate change on human migration and displacement. Specific focus areas ... Continue Reading »

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Ferrall, Isa

Isa Ferrall


Decentralized solar energy systems for electricity access: historical context and comparisons of reliability (MS ’18); Quantitative approaches to energy justice: examining fair access to reliable electricity (PhD ’22) Isa earned ... Continue Reading »

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Bauer, Gordon

Gordon Bauer


Operation, Cost, and Environmental Impact of Self-Driving Electric Taxi Fleets (MS ’18) Transportation has long been dominated by the personal gasoline-powered automobile, but breakthroughs in electric vehicles, shared mobility, and ... Continue Reading »

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Brockway, Anna

Anna Brockway


New challenges facing electric power systems: Integrating technical realities and policy goals (PhD ’22) Anna Brockway is a PhD from the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. She holds ... Continue Reading »

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Errickson, Frank

Frank Errickson


The Joint Effect of Uncertainty and Inequality on Global Climate Policy (PhD ’20) Frank grew up on the central New Jersey coast, completing a B.A. in Political Science with a ... Continue Reading »

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Siegner, Alana

Alana Siegner


Growing Environmental Literacy: On Small-Scale Farms, in the Urban Agroecosystem, and in School Garden Classrooms (PhD ’20) Alana Siegner graduated from Tufts University in 2012 with a double major in ... Continue Reading »

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Adriana Valencia


Improved Cookstoves in Michoacán, México:  A Search for an Integrated Perspective that Promotes Local Culture, Health, and Sustainability (’04 MS) Missing Links:  Demystifying Alternative Energy Use and Improving Decision Making ... Continue Reading »

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Raquel Moreno-Penaranda


From Livelihoods to Labels: Assessing the Contribution of Organics to the Sustainability of Small Family Farming with Participatory Multi-Criteria Indicators in a Community in Brazil (’08 PhD)

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Lesley McAllister


Questioning Sustainability: Environmental and Social Aspects of Reforestation in Northwestern Costa Rica (’97 MA) Environmental Enforcement and the Rule of Law in Brazil (’04 PhD)

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Penn Loh


(De)Constructing the California Water Plan: Science, Politics and Sustainability (’94 M.S.)

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Lele, Sharad

Sharad Lele


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: SHARAD LÉLÉ Ph.D. 1993 Senior Fellow, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (Bangalore) Sharad Lele never intended to become an academic. And even though his resume ... Continue Reading »

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Kinzig, Ann

Ann Kinzig


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ann Kinzig Ph.D. ’94 Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University Perhaps more than most alumni, Ann Kinzig’s intellectual path has traversed ERG’s interdisciplinary ... Continue Reading »

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Naim Darghouth


Sustainability of Micro-grids and Solar Home Systems: Evaluating Means for Rural Electrification in Africa (’06 MS) Uncertainties in the Value of Bill Savings from Behind-the-Meter, Residential Photovoltaic Systems: The Roles ... Continue Reading »

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Zenkin, Svetlana

Svetlana Zenkin


Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Fleet Transitions to Lower-Carbon Fuels (MS ’14) Svetlana is interested in the intersection of public policy and corporate social responsibility, as well as in the ... Continue Reading »

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Witt, Maggie

Maggie Witt


Maggie’s research focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of transportation by decreasing both the amount that people drive and the per-mile emissions of personal vehicles. Her work focuses on California’s ... Continue Reading »

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Tabone, Michaelangelo

Michaelangelo Tabone


Michaelangelo Tabone (MS 2012) is a PhD student in ERG advised by Dr. Duncan Callaway. His research focuses on applying novel statistical methods to topics in energy analysis. Most recently, ... Continue Reading »

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Sifuentes, Froy

Froy Sifuentes


The world is witnessing a rapid advance in renewable energy with China as one in the forefront. However, adding enough renewable energy to satisfy China's growing power needs is quite complex. ERG Ph.D. candidate, Froy Sifuentes, focuses on the challenges of integrating wind power to help make China's grid cleaner. Read on and learn more about Froy and his work (and fun) at ERG.

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Sheikh, Imran

Imran Sheikh


Decarbonizing Residential Space and Water Heating in California (PhD ’17) Imran Sheikh is interested in creating business-led solutions to environmental problems, with a particular focus on energy efficiency. His current research ... Continue Reading »

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Emily Quesada


An Evaluation of the Triple Bottom Line Business Case For Reshoring Manufacturing (MS ’14) Emily Quesada received her B.A. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. She subsequently served ... Continue Reading »

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Preskill, Autumn

Autumn Preskill


Autumn Petros-Good received her B.S. in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College in 2009, and her M.S. from ERG in 2011 and her PhD from ERG in 2015. She worked on ... Continue Reading »

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Kittner, Noah

Noah Kittner


Energy Systems Integration and Innovation for a Clean Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Noah is an MS/PhD student at ERG. After graduating with a BS in Environmental Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, ... Continue Reading »

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Joseph Kantenbacher


Joe’s broad research interests include sustainable consumption and pro-environmental behavior change. His dissertation explores the linkages between psychological well-being and the environment, arguing that happiness and sustainability are synergistic concepts ... Continue Reading »

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Jagannathan, Kripa

Kripa Jagannathan


Ready-to-use? Bridging the Climate Science Usability Gap for Adaptation (PhD ’19) Kripa’s research interests are in the field of climate change adaptation and climate-resilient planning. Her PhD focuses on improving ... Continue Reading »

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Goddard, Jessica Joan

Jessica Joan Goddard

MS 2014 (ERG), MS 2015 (Eng.), PhD

Urban Water’s Hydra: Stormwater’s Problematization in LA (MA ’14) Measuring Drinking Water Affordability and Sustainability (PhD ’20) At ERG, Jess (PhD 2019) co-developed metrics for water affordability in the state’s ... Continue Reading »

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Dimitrova, Tanya

Tanya Dimitrova


REDD Hot: How One Community Defends its Forest One Carbon Credit at a Time (MS ’14) Tanya was born and grew up in Bulgaria. She came to ERG after a ... Continue Reading »

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Burt, Zachary

Zachary Burt


Zach’s research focuses on household water access, treatment and use. He draws on data collected in the field, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative sources. Zach is ultimately interested in the ... Continue Reading »

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News (30 results)

ERG’s Nica Campbell on Consumer Preference During COVID-19 for Sustainability and Safer Working Conditions

ERG’s Nica Campbell on Consumer Preference During COVID-19 for Sustainability and Safer Working Conditions

ERG masters student Nica Campbell has recently been published in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy with a paper examining evidence collected during COVID-19 to explore consumer preference for sustainability and ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Alumnus Niklas Lollo on Improving Sustainability in the Apparel Industry

ERG Alumnus Niklas Lollo on Improving Sustainability in the Apparel Industry

ERG Alumnus Niklas Lollo recently published his research paper, "Measurement without Clear Incentives to Improve: The Impacts of the Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) on Apparel Factory Practices and Performance" on SocArXiv Papers. He discusses how the Facility Environment Module (FEM), an annual assessment of an apparel facility’s environmental management capabilities, could be improved to better the environmental performance of the apparel industry.

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Q&A With Sam Arons, ERG Alum and Lyft Sustainability Director

ERG Alum and Lyft Sustainability Director Q&A With Sam Arons

GreenBiz recently caught up with Mike Masserman and ERG’s own Sam Arons (MS ’07) to discuss their respective roles as the first Head of Social Impact and Director of Sustainability ... Continue Reading »

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Emission-Free Neighborhoods? The Oakland EcoBlock Project Pioneers Residential Sustainability

Emission-Free Neighborhoods? The Oakland EcoBlock Project Pioneers Residential Sustainability

The College of Environmental Design (CED) at UC Berkeley spotlighted the innovative Oakland EcoBlock project this week, lead by CED professor Harrison Fraker and ERG chair Dan Kammen. The project, ... Continue Reading »

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BOOK: Applying Anthropology and Physics to Sustainability

BOOK: Applying Anthropology and Physics to Sustainability

New book by Dove and Kammen released this week.

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Partnership with KTH Royal Institute of Technology creates opportunities for students

Partnership with KTH Royal Institute of Technology creates opportunities for students

A dozen students from Sweden and California swapped places last week for summer research internships focused on digital transformation, kicking off a new exchange program between UC Berkeley and KTH ... Continue Reading »

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Daniel Kammen and Berkeley Researchers finds that China is the only Nation on track to triple its Renewable Capacity by 2030

Daniel Kammen and Berkeley Researchers finds that China is the only Nation on track to triple its Renewable Capacity by 2030

Amid continuing geopolitical tensions, climate change remains a key area of collaboration between the United States and China. Ahead of last November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28, Presidents Biden ... Continue Reading »

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Energy Access in Informal Settlements: ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen Convene a Conference for the Spotlight Kampala Collaboration

Energy Access in Informal Settlements: ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen Convene a Conference for the Spotlight Kampala Collaboration

Colleagues from Uganda, Washington, Arizona and West Virginia travel to Berkeley to progress joint work with ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen on the Spotlight Kampala initiative.

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California Drought is Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Report ERG Alumni at Pacific Institute

Report ERG Alumni at Pacific Institute California Drought is Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

ERG alumni Peter Gleick (PhD ’86) and Julia Szinai (PhD ’21) of the Pacific Institute research group discussed in a recent article on The Hill how the findings of their ... Continue Reading »

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Transforming Africa’s Energy Sector

Transforming Africa’s Energy Sector

Dan Kammen and co-authors argue in the journal Science that a major transformation is needed to meet the needs of Africa's growing population.

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ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Decreased CO2 Emissions Shape the Future of Electric Vehicles

ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Decreased CO2 Emissions Shape the Future of Electric Vehicles

In a recent Sustainability Times article, ERG professor Dan Kammen explains how pandemic lockdowns resulted in historic drops in our CO2 emissions. Additionally, Kammen's previous study on how exactly COVID-19 lowered said Co2 emissions was featured in a Berkeley News article, arguing that a move towards greater usage of electric-powered vehicles would "reduce the major greenhouse gas responsible for climate change and global warming". "The greatest reduction of emissions was observed in the ground transportation sector. Largely because of working from home restrictions, transport CO2 emissions decreased by 40% worldwide,” Kammen stated. Read how the pandemic lockdowns decreased Co2 emissions here, and what this means for the future usage of electric vehicles here.

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Dan Kammen Leads Global Minima Podcast on Energy, Data, and Canned Air

Data Dan Kammen Leads Global Minima Podcast on Energy

ERG Professor Dan Kammen was recently featured on Global Minima, a podcast by Sustainabilist, in an episode titled "Dan Kammen on Energy, Data, and Canned Air (GM101)".

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ERG Professor Harte For Interconnectedness in Support System Reforms

ERG Professor Harte For Interconnectedness in Support System Reforms

ERG Professor John Harte recently published an article on Environmental Health News giving a roadmap on we can use the same interconnectedness that is spurring catastrophe to instead promote health and sustainability.

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Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine

Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine

Sam Arons (MS ’07) and Joshua Apte (PhD ’13) were named as the 2019 “Grist 50” — a list of the most innovative and influential leaders in sustainability. Grist is ... Continue Reading »

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Study finds racial inequality in the deployment of rooftop solar

Study finds racial inequality in the deployment of rooftop solar

A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley and Tufts University shows fewer rooftop solar photovoltaics installations exist in African-American and Hispanic-dominant neighborhoods than in white-dominant neighborhoods, even when controlling ... Continue Reading »

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Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to pass on the news that University of California Berkeley Energy and Resources Group (ERG) core faculty emeritus Gene Rochlin passed away this weekend. 

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What Environmental Policy Options Does the U.S. Have in 2018?

What Environmental Policy Options Does the U.S. Have in 2018?

In a Knowledge @ Wharton public policy podcast, Dan Kammen joins Eric Orts, legal studies and business ethics professor, and director of the school’s Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership. Kammen and ... Continue Reading »

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ERG’s EcoBlock Project Selected by Scientific American as a World Changing Idea for 2017

ERG’s EcoBlock Project Selected by Scientific American as a World Changing Idea for 2017

The Oakland EcoBlock Project is an urban sustainability experiment that focuses on reducing the footprint of a typical neighborhood block. As a mini-grid system for shared energy and water in ... Continue Reading »

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UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the University of California system with the Excellence in Green Power Use Award for its investments in renewable energy, and continued progress ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Student Jose Daniel Lara Joins UC’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative as a 2017 Fellow

ERG Student Jose Daniel Lara Joins UC’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative as a 2017 Fellow

Jose Daniel Lara was recently selected to represent UC Berkeley as a fellow for the University of California’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative (CNI). Jose will foster communication about UC-wide goals to ... Continue Reading »

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New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Energy and Resources Group Chair, Professor Daniel M. Kammen. His appointment began July 1, 2017. Daniel Kam­men is a Pro­fes­sor of Energy with ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainable Design of Communities: Kammen and Fraker in Scientific American

Sustainable Design of Communities: Kammen and Fraker in Scientific American

Neighborhood efforts to reduce fossil fuel and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions, could go beyond serving as a model for sustainability by providing local construction jobs and revitalizing entire communities.

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Introducing New ERG Faculty Lara Kueppers

Introducing New ERG Faculty Lara Kueppers

The Energy and Resources Group is delighted to announce the arrival of new core faculty member Lara Kueppers.

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ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition

ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition

The Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) team won several categories in the 2016 Sacramento Municipal District Tiny House Competition.

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ERG’s Energy Research Featured in Multiple News Outlets

ERG’s Energy Research Featured in Multiple News Outlets

“Research at the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory [ERG Professor Daniel Kammen’s lab] at the University of California Berkeley highlights that while cities currently contribute to global climate change by ... Continue Reading »

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Shaw, ERG Alumna: Helping Agribusiness

ERG Alumna: Helping Agribusiness Shaw

Rebecca Shaw, MA 1992 Energy Resources Group, Ph.D. 1997 ERG, is featured in Berkeley's College of Natural Resources Breakthroughs magazine.

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A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

ERG team study showing how off-grid power can improve equality in energy access published in Nature Climate Change. Interview with lead author Peter Alstone.

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Profs. Leach & Ray Launch UN Gender Equality Report

Profs. Leach & Ray Launch UN Gender Equality Report

Dr. Isha Ray at UN Headquarters discussing report on gender equality.

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Kammen on UC Climate Advisory Group

Kammen on UC Climate Advisory Group

UC President forms Global Climate Leadership Council including UC professors and climate experts.

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Brandt (PhD’08) publishes in Science on Methane Leaks

Brandt (PhD’08) publishes in Science on Methane Leaks

“People who go out and actually measure methane pretty consistently find more emissions than we expect," claims Adam Brandt, ERG Alum and assistant professor at Stanford.

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Topics (10 results)

Moses Mbewe, Edward

Edward Moses Mbewe


Edward Moses Mbewe is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Mbewe interests includes identifying, critically reviewing, and publishing on sustainable and environmental developments in energy. Mbewe’s goal ... Continue Reading »

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Chaudhry, Nabig

Nabig Chaudhry


Nabig Chaudhry is an MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley. His research lies at the intersection of climate and data science and focuses on building tech and data-enabled climate adaptation solutions. ... Continue Reading »

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Emma Shepherdson


Understanding feed’s climate impacts on beef production through the lens of three different beef production systems in the United States (MS, ’12)

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Taylor Keep


Continuous Demand Response: Using Loads to Manage Real-Time Energy Imbalance on the Electricity Grid (’11 MS)

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Garvin Heath


(Re)Distributing Pollution: Exposure Implications for Distributed Electricity Generation in California (’02 MS) Redistributing Pollution: Exposure Implications of a Shift Toward Distributed Electricity Generation in California (’06 PhD)

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Christa Chavez


Painting the Perfect Ecolabel: An Initial Framework for Comparing Ecolabels in the Paint Sector (’11 MS)

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Kittner, Noah

Noah Kittner


Energy Systems Integration and Innovation for a Clean Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Noah is an MS/PhD student at ERG. After graduating with a BS in Environmental Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, ... Continue Reading »

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Goddard, Jessica Joan

Jessica Joan Goddard

MS 2014 (ERG), MS 2015 (Eng.), PhD

Urban Water’s Hydra: Stormwater’s Problematization in LA (MA ’14) Measuring Drinking Water Affordability and Sustainability (PhD ’20) At ERG, Jess (PhD 2019) co-developed metrics for water affordability in the state’s ... Continue Reading »

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