Search Results for: economics

Pages (17 results)

ERG Economics Lab

ERG Economics Lab

The Society, Environment and Economics Lab works on the economics of a wide range of environmental, energy and resource issues. Our work spans theoretical, empirical and numerical modeling approaches. We engage in rigorous academic research and actively participate in current policy debates.

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About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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Who We Are

A Brief History of ERG For thirty years, the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at the University of California, Berkeley has provided its outstanding graduate students and exceptional faculty the ... Continue Reading »

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Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

The Energy and Resources Group – graduate degrees that make a difference The Energy and Resources Group (ERG) trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers who are defining and solving the systemic, ... Continue Reading »

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Program Directory The information below is a directory of ERG programs. Please read through and contact us at for graduate program questions and for all other questions.  ... Continue Reading »

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Energy Modeling, Analysis & Control (EMAC)

Analysis & Control (EMAC) Energy Modeling

The Energy Modeling, Analysis and Control (EMAC) group addresses the engineering and techno-economic challenges to decarbonizing electric power systems. Our work ranges from applied to theoretical. Much of our work focuses on building new control and optimization frameworks to facilitate the operation of low carbon grids.

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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Master’s Degree Curriculum Requirements (MA or MS)

The purpose of the ERG Master’s program is to educate the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders. Specifically, students are taught the range of methods and subjects they should be able ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Summer Minor and Certificate

Make sustainability your work, your future, and your world. The Energy and Resources Group’s Sustainability Minor/Certificate program offers a practical and relevant interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of environmental, economic, ... Continue Reading »

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Minor/Certificate FAQs

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning What is the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous instruction, and online courses vs. remote instruction courses? Courses originally offered online (i.e. Energy and Society and Water ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Undergraduate Minor in Energy and Resources

The Minor in Energy and Resources offers under­grad­u­ates basic knowl­edge and skills to address issues arising from the inter­ac­tion of social, eco­nomic, polit­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors shaping our world. ... Continue Reading »

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Open Positions

Join the ERG Team The Energy and Resources Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 ... Continue Reading »

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Minor/Certificate in Sustainability — Courses

Summer 2024 Curriculum ERG’s minor and certificate require a minimum of five courses and 15 total units of coursework, completed over one or two summers (or for a UC Berkeley ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (2 results)

Anthoff, David

David Anthoff

Associate Professor

David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis.

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Ray, Isha

Isha Ray


Professor Ray’s research interests are water and development; technology and development; common property resources; and social science research methods. Her research projects focus on access to water and sanitation for the rural and urban poor, and on the role of technology in improving livelihoods.

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Students (13 results)

Mazur, Anna

Anna Mazur


Anna Mazur is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Mazur interests includes developing new facilities and strategic planning of generation portfolios, revising outdated policies like capital cost ... Continue Reading »

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Carleton, Elliot

Elliot Carleton


Elliot is an MS student in the Energy and Resources Group focusing on sustainable land management and conservation. His research interests are motivated by the time he spent working with ... Continue Reading »

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Abayo, Aline

Aline Abayo


Aline is a master’s student at ERG focusing climate finance, critical minerals, the economics of renewable energy, and the relationship between climate and development goals. Prior to joining ERG, Aline ... Continue Reading »

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Kingdon, Cora

Cora Kingdon


Cora Kingdon is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. Cora is interested in studying the distributional impacts of decision making under deep uncertainty ... Continue Reading »

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Campbell, Nica

Nica Campbell


Nica Campbell is an PhD candidate at the Energy and Resources Group. Her research interests include corporate sustainability, environmental justice and policy making mechanisms. At ERG, she explores ways to ... Continue Reading »

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Chaudhry, Nabig

Nabig Chaudhry


Nabig Chaudhry is an MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley. His research lies at the intersection of climate and data science and focuses on building tech and data-enabled climate adaptation solutions. ... Continue Reading »

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Wang, Liyang

Liyang Wang


Liyang is a PhD student in the Energy & Resources Group and a Senior Research Associate at Berkeley Lab. Her research interest is at the intersection of decision science, climate ... Continue Reading »

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Gill-Wiehl, Annelise

Annelise Gill-Wiehl


Annelise Gill-Wiehl is currently an NSF Graduate Student Researcher and a Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Dr. Dan Kammen ... Continue Reading »

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Warner, Cody

Cody Warner


Lights Off in San Diego County: the Effect of Utility Deenergization Events on Household Electrification (MA ’20) Cody applies statistical and econometric models to the electricity sector and studies how ... Continue Reading »

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Hall, Anaya

Anaya Hall


Modeling Organic Waste Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration in California (MS ’19) Anaya (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. She is ... Continue Reading »

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Rennels, Lisa

Lisa Rennels


Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Assessment Models: Supporting Result Characterization (MS ’19) Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, ... Continue Reading »

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Shears, Esther

Esther Shears


The Impact of Data Access on Academic Research: Evidence from the Land Remote-sensing Commercialization Act of 1984 (MS ’18) Esther researches how climate change will impact the financial sector and ... Continue Reading »

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Lazarus, Eli

Eli Lazarus


Eli is an Ecological Economist working on comprehensive welfare measurement, tracking, and optimization. His research investigates and contributes to filling the gap between market optimization/welfare and broader social welfare. Recent ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (41 results)

Figel, Sasha

Sasha Figel


Sasha graduated with her Master’s in 2024, and she is interested in land and resource management. Her research is focused on how various groups value natural resources, how the value ... Continue Reading »

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Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen graduated 2024 with his Master’s from the Energy and Resources Group. His work focuses on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the clean energy transition. He is currently ... Continue Reading »

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Shiyayo, Lynn

Lynn Shiyayo


Lynn is a MS student and researcher in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies at the intersection of transportation, climate, and equity ... Continue Reading »

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Andresen, Ry

Ry Andresen


Pronouns: he/they Ry is interested in measuring the impacts of wildfire mitigation policies in vulnerable communities across California. He is particularly interested in researching a holistic framework that incorporates the ... Continue Reading »

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Marealle, Joyceline

Joyceline Marealle


Business strategy for Micro-Grid Providers in California (MS ’22) Joyceline is a Tanzanian who holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Rochester. Her research interest lies ... Continue Reading »

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Mohanty, Priyanka

Priyanka Mohanty


What are the Best Practices for Rapid and Just Energy Transition? (MS ’22) Priyanka earned her Masters of Science with the Energy and Resources Group. At ERG, she works on ... Continue Reading »

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Sherman, Luke

Luke Sherman


Increasing the spatial resolution of the Human Development Index using satellite imagery (MS ’22) Luke’s research aims to encourage the use of innovative technology and management systems in order to ... Continue Reading »

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French, Karina

Karina French


Karina is focused on urban climate resilience, specifically studying how climate impacts will affect social infrastructure systems that protect vulnerable populations in cities. At ERG, she is interested in the ... Continue Reading »

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Yip, Anna

Anna Yip


Anna spent most of her undergrad career studying and analyzing her campus’ ‘Zero Waste by 2020’ goal. She quickly fell in love with the field and plans to dedicate the ... Continue Reading »

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Miller, Christian

Christian Miller


Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »

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Ledna, Catherine

Catherine Ledna


Modeling Adaption to Sea Level Rise Under Uncertainty (MS ’19) Catherine received a BA in Economics from Dartmouth College, with a minor in Environmental Studies. Prior to coming to ERG, ... Continue Reading »

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Gorman, Will

Will Gorman


Effects of Electricity Consumption and Rate Design on Solar Plus Storage-enabled Grid Defection (MS ’19) “Sunsetting the Grid? Opportunities for Customer-Sited Solar and Storage in Modern Electricity Systems (PhD ’22) ... Continue Reading »

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Cabiyo, Bodie

Bodie Cabiyo


Bodie uses interdisciplinary approaches to investigate nature-based solutions to climate change. He currently studies how policy and innovative technology can enable carbon-beneficial forest management. This work bridges industrial ecology, forest ... Continue Reading »

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Lee, Jonathan

Jonathan Lee


The Cost of Reliability in Decentralized Solar Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (MS ’18); Energy Management in Community Microgrids (PhD ’22) Jonathan studies transitions in electric power systems and electricity markets, ... Continue Reading »

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Hossain, Anushah

Anushah Hossain


The Value of Connectivity: A Case Study of Cellular Networks in the Rural Philippines (MA ’18) Anushah’s background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Castro, Felipe

Felipe Castro


On Rate Regulation in Modern Electricity Sectors (PhD ’17) Felipe was a Ph.D. Candidate with ERG. His research seeks to improve the understanding and organization of energy systems, leveraging methods, ... Continue Reading »

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Lollo, Niklas

Niklas Lollo


Inside Out: the Power in Data-Centric Private Governance (PhD ’20) Inspired by ecological economics, Niklas is focused on global governance of production and consumption. At ERG, he is combining data ... Continue Reading »

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Jarvis, Stephen

Stephen Jarvis


Stephen is a PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy & Resources Group and a Researcher at the Energy Institute at Haas. His work lies at the intersection of economics, public ... Continue Reading »

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Aas, Daniel

Daniel Aas


Greater than the Sum of Their Parts? Political Impacts of State Climate Policies in the Face of Partisan Polarization (MA/MPP ’17) Dan completed concurrent degrees at the Goldman School of ... Continue Reading »

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Major, Sophie

Sophie Major


Sophie Major is an interdisciplinary PhD candidate, studying and researching across the disciplines of political theory, environmental politics, and Indigenous studies. Their dissertation examines the marginalization of Indigenous people and ... Continue Reading »

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Dees, John

John Dees


John’s research is primarily concerned with macro-energy systems analysis. He is interested in the life cycle characteristics of renewable energy systems, with a current focus on the carbon drawdown potential ... Continue Reading »

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Vásquez, Váleri

Váleri Vásquez


Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »

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Errickson, Frank

Frank Errickson


The Joint Effect of Uncertainty and Inequality on Global Climate Policy (PhD ’20) Frank grew up on the central New Jersey coast, completing a B.A. in Political Science with a ... Continue Reading »

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Otlhogile, Monkgogi

Monkgogi Otlhogile


Monkgogi (who goes by MK) was born and raised in Botswana and recently graduated cum laude with her BA from Scripps College in Environment, Economics, and Politics. Personally, MK has ... Continue Reading »

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Szinai, Julia

Julia Szinai


Julia studied economics and Spanish at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate, and realized her interest in energy and environmental issues while a research assistant at the UC Energy Institute. After ... Continue Reading »

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Han Springer, Cecilia

Cecilia Han Springer


Policies for an Ecological Civilization: China, Carbon, and Economic Reform (PhD ’19) Cecilia is a PhD candidate at ERG. Her dissertation uses economic modeling and social science to critically analyze ... Continue Reading »

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Williams, Jim

Jim Williams


M.S. 1986 – A Vehicular Power Plant Application of the Monolithic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ph.D. 1995 – Fan-Lizhi’s Big Bang: Science and Politics in Mao’s China ERG alumnus Jim Williams, now ... Continue Reading »

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Wadia, Cyrus

Cyrus Wadia


"In a sense, we’re going through a tran­si­tion here. The indus­try is going through a tran­si­tion that we’re only see­ing the begin­ning of,” says Dr. Cyrus Wadia (PhD’08). Cyrus knows about transitions. He has been a policy advocate, business entrepreneur and scientific innovator for clean energy and human welfare prior, throughout and since his time at ERG. He has not only observed but has been part of the change in the world’s switch to solar. His multiple hats and his work on the frontline edge of policy, economics and science made him a perfect fit for the interdisciplinary program at ERG.

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Marcus, David

David Marcus


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT This ERG alumni spotlight features one of the first ERG graduate students, David Marcus (MA’77), and is written by ERG alumna, Sarita Sarvate (MS’78). The piece is the first ... Continue Reading »

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Lele, Sharad

Sharad Lele


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: SHARAD LÉLÉ Ph.D. 1993 Senior Fellow, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (Bangalore) Sharad Lele never intended to become an academic. And even though his resume ... Continue Reading »

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Christian Casillas


Wind generation: A step towards energy independence on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua (MS ’08) Exploring the role of information in development policy and practice in the fields of rural ... Continue Reading »

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Sognnaes, Ida

Ida Sognnaes


Ida Sognnaes is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group. She is originally from Norway and came to Berkeley for the first time as part of her five ... Continue Reading »

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Sager, Jalel

Jalel Sager


Formerly a freelance writer and founding director of the Vietnam Green Building Council (2007-2009), Jalel remains a board member and international coordinator for Green Cities Fund (its NGO parent).  In ... Continue Reading »

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Mandel, Benjamin

Benjamin Mandel


Minding Electron Leakage: How Utility Regulation Can Improve Upstream Energy Efficiency (MS ’14) Ben is a concurrent MS-MPP degree student in ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy. His ... Continue Reading »

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Anna Kantenbacher


Environmental policy making; balancing short-term pressures with long-term needs; climate changes policies; economics; decision analysis; ecology.

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Goddard, Jessica Joan

Jessica Joan Goddard

MS 2014 (ERG), MS 2015 (Eng.), PhD

Urban Water’s Hydra: Stormwater’s Problematization in LA (MA ’14) Measuring Drinking Water Affordability and Sustainability (PhD ’20) At ERG, Jess (PhD 2019) co-developed metrics for water affordability in the state’s ... Continue Reading »

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Cohen, Michael

Michael Cohen


Michael Cohen puts the power and complexity of the grid into students' hands via a video game. We asked Michael about his innovative project and his unique experience at ERG. "In addition to developing the game itself, I am working with teachers at local high schools to develop curriculum around it and try it out with their students this year. I hope to not only create a solid educational product but also gain some insights into how technology can be used to support learning about complex systems in general."

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Carvallo Bodelon, Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Carvallo Bodelon


Mind the Gap: Bridging Strategies for Universal Energy Access (PhD ’19) Since graduating as an electronics engineer in 2004, JP Carvallo has been working, studying, and researching different aspects of ... Continue Reading »

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News (9 results)

David Anthoff Leads Climate Economics Project Team for Matrix

David Anthoff Leads Climate Economics Project Team for Matrix

ERG Assistant Professor David Anthoff was selected to lead a research team on climate economics for Matrix, a UC Berkeley Institute for social science research.

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Rachel Schurman In Memoriam

Rachel Schurman In Memoriam

(June 9, 1958 – March 17, 2024) Rachel Schurman was the first woman to serve on the core faculty of the Energy and Resources Group. She came to Berkeley as ... Continue Reading »

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Brookings Institute Launches Carbon Scoring Taskforce with UC Berkeley’s David Anthoff and Meredith Fowlie

Brookings Institute Launches Carbon Scoring Taskforce with UC Berkeley’s David Anthoff and Meredith Fowlie

The Center on Regulation and Markets at the Brookings Institute has launched a new taskforce to create a blueprint for a federal Office of Carbon Scoring. The taskforce includes co-chair ... Continue Reading »

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New Study by Coalition of ERG Researchers Reveals True Social Cost of Carbon

New Study by Coalition of ERG Researchers Reveals True Social Cost of Carbon

Researchers from Rausser College’s Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and Resources for the Future (RFF) have released a new estimate that the social cost of carbon (SCC), a key metric ... Continue Reading »

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On the Radio: Kammen in KQED, The Elephant and Matinale

The Elephant and Matinale On the Radio: Kammen in KQED

ERG professor Daniel Kammen was featured on a KQED Radio Forum segment in addition to a podcast and French radio station.

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ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG is offering four of its most popular courses this summer! Enroll Today!

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Pizer, Anthoff & Team in Science on Social Cost of Carbon

Anthoff & Team in Science on Social Cost of Carbon Pizer

Which way forward for the social cost of carbon? Environmental economists explain next steps in Science Magazine.

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Professor Ray & Team Selected for 2014 Obama-Singh Award

Professor Ray & Team Selected for 2014 Obama-Singh Award

The Berkeley team will work with faculty from IIT Bombay on a 3-year effort titled the Sustainable Indian Water Infrastructure Project (SIWIP): A Systems Approach.

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Upcoming Certificate Course on Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy

Upcoming Certificate Course on Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy

3-day cer­tifi­cate course Oct 3-5, offer­ing a prac­ti­cal per­spec­tive on the eco­nomic effects of cli­mate and energy policy.

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Topics (10 results)

Schaumann, Felix

Felix Schaumann


Felix Schaumann is a visiting PhD researcher, staying at ERG for three months in fall 2023. He is working on integrated assessment models and the social cost of carbon, but ... Continue Reading »

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Xi Xi

Xi Xi


Xi Xi is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource group. Xi Xi uses interdisciplinary methods such as quantitative modeling techniques and policy analyses to assess impacts on emissions, energy ... Continue Reading »

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Setiawan, Rachman

Rachman Setiawan


Rachman Setiawan is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource Group, focusing on energy sectors. He worked as an engineer in a Solar PV company where He conducted surveys, analysis, ... Continue Reading »

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Mazur, Anna

Anna Mazur


Anna Mazur is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Mazur interests includes developing new facilities and strategic planning of generation portfolios, revising outdated policies like capital cost ... Continue Reading »

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Azarova, Valeriya

Valeriya Azarova

Dr. Valeriya Azarova is an Economist at ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Center for Energy, Climate and Resources since 2020. Before joining ifo Institute, she has been ... Continue Reading »

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Jones, Ryan

Ryan Jones


Ryan has spent the last decade developing modeling tools to explore technology pathways for deep decarbonization with special focus on electricity systems. His current research works to incorporate additional dimensions ... Continue Reading »

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Haley, Ben

Ben Haley


Ben has unique experience developing energy system models to support energy transformation decision making in his role as Co-Founder of Evolved Energy Research. His models have been utilized by parties ... Continue Reading »

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Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen graduated 2024 with his Master’s from the Energy and Resources Group. His work focuses on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the clean energy transition. He is currently ... Continue Reading »

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Bell, Elena

Elena Bell


Elena is a 2024 MS graduate interested in equitable natural resource management relating to agriculture and forestry. She has seven years of experience working at the intersection of agriculture, finance, ... Continue Reading »

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Drigo, Alessandra

Alessandra Drigo

PhD Student in Science and Management of Climate Change at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Visiting Research Scholar at UC Berkeley, Energy and Resource Group. She is currently working on ... Continue Reading »

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