Search Results for: social science

Pages (17 results)

Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

The Energy and Resources Group – graduate degrees that make a difference The Energy and Resources Group (ERG) trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers who are defining and solving the systemic, ... Continue Reading »

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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ERG’s sixty plus graduate students are geographically and ethnically diverse. About half are in the masters-degree program and half in the PhD program. The students come from a wide variety ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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Master’s Degree Curriculum Requirements (MA or MS)

The purpose of the ERG Master’s program is to educate the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders. Specifically, students are taught the range of methods and subjects they should be able ... Continue Reading »

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Climate Futures Lab

Climate Futures Lab

The Climate Futures Lab is a hub of social science research on the impact and equity of climate change responses at the University of California, Berkeley. The lab is led ... Continue Reading »

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About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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Who We Are

A Brief History of ERG For thirty years, the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at the University of California, Berkeley has provided its outstanding graduate students and exceptional faculty the ... Continue Reading »

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Financing Your Education

COST OF ATTENDANCE Please see the UC Berkeley Registrar’ Fee Schedule for the current cost of attendance in UC Berkeley graduate academic programs. ERG is an academic program and does ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Program Directory The information below is a directory of ERG programs. Please read through and contact us at for graduate program questions and for all other questions.  ... Continue Reading »

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Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)

Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)

RAEL is engaged in projects to develop the science, technology, policy needs and to foster engagements that explore the future of energy, specifically the transition to a low-cabon, environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable energy system.

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Sustainability Summer Minor and Certificate

Make sustainability your work, your future, and your world. The Energy and Resources Group’s Sustainability Minor/Certificate program offers a practical and relevant interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of environmental, economic, ... Continue Reading »

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Undergraduate Minor in Energy and Resources

The Minor in Energy and Resources offers under­grad­u­ates basic knowl­edge and skills to address issues arising from the inter­ac­tion of social, eco­nomic, polit­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors shaping our world. ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Annual Lecture 2024

ERG Annual Lecture 2024

The Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley has, from its inception a half century ago, educated many of today’s experts and policymakers about the truly interdisciplinary nature of global ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (4 results)

Ray, Isha

Isha Ray


Professor Ray’s research interests are water and development; technology and development; common property resources; and social science research methods. Her research projects focus on access to water and sanitation for the rural and urban poor, and on the role of technology in improving livelihoods.

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Jones, Andrew D.

Andrew D. Jones

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Dr. Jones is an Earth scientist who works at the interface of human and environmental systems. His research uses quantitative models and data analysis to understand climate change and human-Earth system interactions at decision-relevant scales. He also collaborates with social scientists and interacts closely with stakeholders to understand how science can effectively provide actionable insight into strategies for increasing resilience of energy water, food, and urban systems.

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Anthoff, David

David Anthoff

Associate Professor

David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis.

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Torn, Margaret

Margaret Torn

Adjunct Professor

The focus of my work is carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and trace-gas flux between soil and atmosphere. I conduct research on soil carbon, global change, and the impacts of human activities on ecosystem processes.

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Students (9 results)

Setiawan, Rachman

Rachman Setiawan


Rachman Setiawan is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource Group, focusing on energy sectors. He worked as an engineer in a Solar PV company where He conducted surveys, analysis, ... Continue Reading »

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Miles, Samuel

Samuel Miles


Samuel Miles is a Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley. Sam studies electrical and political power systems. He pairs frameworks from environmental ... Continue Reading »

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Murayama, Hikari

Hikari Murayama


Hikari’s research largely focuses on combining remote sensing and machine learning methods to study human impacts on large spatial scales. She was selected to be a Data Science Fellow at ... Continue Reading »

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Rempel, Jenny

Jenny Rempel


Surfacing Overlying Rights: Assessing Transitions in Overlying Rights to California’s Groundwater Basins (MS ’20) Jenny grew up in Fresno, California, and graduated from Stanford University with an interdisciplinary environmental science ... Continue Reading »

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Penakalapati, Gauthami

Gauthami Penakalapati


Evaluation of Social Networks and Measures of Empowerment Among Adolescent Girls in Uttar Pradesh, India (MS ’19) Gauthami’s interdisciplinary research intersects global health, feminist theory, science technology studies, social network ... Continue Reading »

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Hall, Anaya

Anaya Hall


Modeling Organic Waste Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration in California (MS ’19) Anaya (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. She is ... Continue Reading »

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Rennels, Lisa

Lisa Rennels


Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Assessment Models: Supporting Result Characterization (MS ’19) Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, ... Continue Reading »

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Yu, Hilary

Hilary Yu


Mining Data on Reclaimed Coal Mines: a Machine Learning Approach to Assessing Habitat Suitability (MS ’18) Hilary received her B.A. in Government and Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Ecology ... Continue Reading »

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Lazarus, Eli

Eli Lazarus


Eli is an Ecological Economist working on comprehensive welfare measurement, tracking, and optimization. His research investigates and contributes to filling the gap between market optimization/welfare and broader social welfare. Recent ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (29 results)

Tadepalli, Sanjana

Sanjana Tadepalli


Sanjana (she/her) is a Master’s graduate from 2024. She is interested in climate justice, participatory methods, and environmental communication. Before coming to ERG, Sanjana was a researcher at the Disaster ... Continue Reading »

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Hossain, Anushah

Anushah Hossain


The Value of Connectivity: A Case Study of Cellular Networks in the Rural Philippines (MA ’18) Anushah’s background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Moreno, Laura

Laura Moreno


Everyday Transformations of Food to Waste: What and Why Food is Discarded in U.S. Households (PhD ’19) From digging through trash to looking inside of people’s refrigerators, Laura researches household-level ... Continue Reading »

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Han Springer, Cecilia

Cecilia Han Springer


Policies for an Ecological Civilization: China, Carbon, and Economic Reform (PhD ’19) Cecilia is a PhD candidate at ERG. Her dissertation uses economic modeling and social science to critically analyze ... Continue Reading »

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Siegner, Alana

Alana Siegner


Growing Environmental Literacy: On Small-Scale Farms, in the Urban Agroecosystem, and in School Garden Classrooms (PhD ’20) Alana Siegner graduated from Tufts University in 2012 with a double major in ... Continue Reading »

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Lele, Sharad

Sharad Lele


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: SHARAD LÉLÉ Ph.D. 1993 Senior Fellow, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (Bangalore) Sharad Lele never intended to become an academic. And even though his resume ... Continue Reading »

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Kinzig, Ann

Ann Kinzig


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ann Kinzig Ph.D. ’94 Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University Perhaps more than most alumni, Ann Kinzig’s intellectual path has traversed ERG’s interdisciplinary ... Continue Reading »

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Newman, Erica

Erica Newman


Erica’s niche is fire, particularly in the ecologically sensitive region of French Polynesia. She has already been trained as a physicist, but her curiosity draws her to ecology. ERG has become a unique place for Erica to explore her aspirations in the biological sciences alongside those who have successfully trekked through similar transitions. Read in her own words how Erica has fine-tuned her fascinations while at ERG.

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Woelfle-Erskine, Cleo

Cleo Woelfle-Erskine


In the tradition of Barad and Haraway, I practice Science and Technology Studies (STS) “from the inside”, drawing on my own natural science training to inform the theoretical frameworks I ... Continue Reading »

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Avila, Nkiruka

Nkiruka Avila


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »

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Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen graduated 2024 with his Master’s from the Energy and Resources Group. His work focuses on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the clean energy transition. He is currently ... Continue Reading »

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Depsky, Nicholas

Nicholas Depsky


Drought in Central America: Past Patterns and Future Projections (MS ’19) Nick’s primary research focus is on the impacts of climate change on human migration and displacement. Specific focus areas ... Continue Reading »

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Siddique, Samira

Samira Siddique


Development for the Stateless: the Displacement-Development Nexus and Implications for the Future (MS ’19) Samira Siddique is a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Energy ... Continue Reading »

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Cabiyo, Bodie

Bodie Cabiyo


Bodie uses interdisciplinary approaches to investigate nature-based solutions to climate change. He currently studies how policy and innovative technology can enable carbon-beneficial forest management. This work bridges industrial ecology, forest ... Continue Reading »

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Lee, Jonathan

Jonathan Lee


The Cost of Reliability in Decentralized Solar Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (MS ’18); Energy Management in Community Microgrids (PhD ’22) Jonathan studies transitions in electric power systems and electricity markets, ... Continue Reading »

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Bauer, Gordon

Gordon Bauer


Operation, Cost, and Environmental Impact of Self-Driving Electric Taxi Fleets (MS ’18) Transportation has long been dominated by the personal gasoline-powered automobile, but breakthroughs in electric vehicles, shared mobility, and ... Continue Reading »

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Major, Sophie

Sophie Major


Sophie Major is an interdisciplinary PhD candidate, studying and researching across the disciplines of political theory, environmental politics, and Indigenous studies. Their dissertation examines the marginalization of Indigenous people and ... Continue Reading »

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Vásquez, Váleri

Váleri Vásquez


Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »

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Bolliger, Ian

Ian Bolliger


Monitoring and Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change with Emerging Environmental Datasets and Machine Learning (PhD ’20) Ian works to provide decision-makers with quantitative, high-resolution projections of the socioeconomic impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Kuriyan Wittemyer, Renee

Renee Kuriyan Wittemyer


"23% fewer women than men are online in developing countries. If no concerted effort is taken, that internet gap is going to grow. When women see role models—people doing things—it enables them and empowers them to think, 'Well, I can do that as well.' And, accessing the internet and using technologies exposes them to an entirely new world," says ERG Alum, Dr. Renee (Kuriyan) Wittemyer. She is Intel's Director of Social Impact.

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Zenkin, Svetlana

Svetlana Zenkin


Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Fleet Transitions to Lower-Carbon Fuels (MS ’14) Svetlana is interested in the intersection of public policy and corporate social responsibility, as well as in the ... Continue Reading »

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Reilly, Jessica

Jessica Reilly


Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »

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Hyun, Christopher

Christopher Hyun


With 10+ years of international field experience, 5+ in water and sanitation, as well as project management and professional development in higher ed, I aim to create a better society and environment for all.

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Gordon, Pierce

Pierce Gordon


Investigating Innovation Practice: Cross-disciplinary Studies in International Development (PhD ’18) As a NSF, Chancellor’s, and InFEWS Fellow in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG), Pierce investigates frameworks, methodologies, and contexts ... Continue Reading »

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Cushing, Lara

Lara Cushing


Lara is interested in the relationship between social inequalities and the environment, including how environmental and social stressors interact to impact health. Her work seeks to better understand the disproportionate ... Continue Reading »

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Cohen, Michael

Michael Cohen


Michael Cohen puts the power and complexity of the grid into students' hands via a video game. We asked Michael about his innovative project and his unique experience at ERG. "In addition to developing the game itself, I am working with teachers at local high schools to develop curriculum around it and try it out with their students this year. I hope to not only create a solid educational product but also gain some insights into how technology can be used to support learning about complex systems in general."

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Carvallo Bodelon, Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Carvallo Bodelon


Mind the Gap: Bridging Strategies for Universal Energy Access (PhD ’19) Since graduating as an electronics engineer in 2004, JP Carvallo has been working, studying, and researching different aspects of ... Continue Reading »

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News (17 results)

Pizer, Anthoff & Team in Science on Social Cost of Carbon

Anthoff & Team in Science on Social Cost of Carbon Pizer

Which way forward for the social cost of carbon? Environmental economists explain next steps in Science Magazine.

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New Study by Coalition of ERG Researchers Reveals True Social Cost of Carbon

New Study by Coalition of ERG Researchers Reveals True Social Cost of Carbon

Researchers from Rausser College’s Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and Resources for the Future (RFF) have released a new estimate that the social cost of carbon (SCC), a key metric ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Matters in Calculating the Social Cost of Methane Say Anthoff and Errickson

Equity Matters in Calculating the Social Cost of Methane Say Anthoff and Errickson

ERG assistant professor David Anthoff and alumnus Frank Errickson recently published a report on Nature finding that "by accounting for economic inequalities between countries and regions, the social cost of methane drops by almost a factor of 10 in sub-Saharan Africa and jumps by almost a factor of 10 for industrialized countries, such as the United States."

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Master’s Student Gauthami Penakalapati Connects Sanitation with Mental and Social Well-Being

Master’s Student Gauthami Penakalapati Connects Sanitation with Mental and Social Well-Being

In her recent review on sanitation and well-being outcomes, Gauthami Penakalapati explores a more holistic definition of “health,” which includes physical, mental and social well-being. She discusses how inadequate sanitation, ... Continue Reading »

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“Health of People”⁠— Kammen Contributes Chapter in Open-Access, Collaborative Book

Collaborative Book “Health of People”⁠— Kammen Contributes Chapter in Open-Access

"Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility" is a recently published, fully open-access book that came out of discussions at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences with the Pope and members of the joint Pontifical Academies of Science and Social Science. ERG Professor Dan Kammen contributed his own chapter, "Defeating energy poverty", which is included in a section on taking action from a scientific basis.

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David Anthoff Leads Climate Economics Project Team for Matrix

David Anthoff Leads Climate Economics Project Team for Matrix

ERG Assistant Professor David Anthoff was selected to lead a research team on climate economics for Matrix, a UC Berkeley Institute for social science research.

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Rachel Schurman In Memoriam

Rachel Schurman In Memoriam

(June 9, 1958 – March 17, 2024) Rachel Schurman was the first woman to serve on the core faculty of the Energy and Resources Group. She came to Berkeley as ... Continue Reading »

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Energy Access in Informal Settlements: ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen Convene a Conference for the Spotlight Kampala Collaboration

Energy Access in Informal Settlements: ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen Convene a Conference for the Spotlight Kampala Collaboration

Colleagues from Uganda, Washington, Arizona and West Virginia travel to Berkeley to progress joint work with ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen on the Spotlight Kampala initiative.

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Isha Ray Comments on Issues Facing Clean Water Technology Implementation

Isha Ray Comments on Issues Facing Clean Water Technology Implementation

In a recent article from Knowable Magazine, ERG faculty Isha Ray provides input on why many water filtering and purification technologies fail to produce significant impacts on community health in ... Continue Reading »

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Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to pass on the news that University of California Berkeley Energy and Resources Group (ERG) core faculty emeritus Gene Rochlin passed away this weekend. 

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Norgaard, ERG Professor Emeritus: Higher Education for a Post-Growth World

ERG Professor Emeritus: Higher Education for a Post-Growth World Norgaard

The economy ... really is the world's greatest faith-based organization

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ERG Professor Ray on Toilets and Gender Equality

ERG Professor Ray on Toilets and Gender Equality

"Safe drinking water and sanitation are indispensable to sustain life and health, and fundamental to the dignity of all.”

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BOOK: Applying Anthropology and Physics to Sustainability

BOOK: Applying Anthropology and Physics to Sustainability

New book by Dove and Kammen released this week.

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ERG Dan Kammen on What the Biden-Harris Victory Means For COVID-19 & Climate Change

ERG Dan Kammen on What the Biden-Harris Victory Means For COVID-19 & Climate Change

ERG professor Dan Kammen recently published an op-ed on the Daily Californian, discussing the powerful impact the Biden-Harris victory has on addressing the issues of COVID-19 and climate change. Kammen further states that the new leadership's energy and climate platform can be a game-changer for achieving social and climate justice. "Science, social justice and both domestic and global partnerships to address climate change are now back on the agenda in the United States," Kammen writes. "More than any one specific action, the commitment Biden has already shown to a science-driven administration is critically important domestically and worldwide."

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ERG Alumni Deshmukh, Mileva, and Wu Explore Renewable Alternatives to Mega Hydropower

Mileva ERG Alumni Deshmukh

ERG alumni Ranjit Deshmukh, Ana Mileva, and Grace Wu recently published their research on alternatives to the hydroelectric power Inga III Dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The ... Continue Reading »

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Transportation Emissions in Mexico City – How Big Data is Driving Change

Transportation Emissions in Mexico City – How Big Data is Driving Change

Mexico City is one of the most congested cities in the world, and it’s taking a toll on the health of its citizens and the environment. Sergio Castellanos, a postdoctoral ... Continue Reading »

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ERG students win United Nations award

ERG students win United Nations award

Jalel Sager (PhD candidate) and Austin Cappon (Minor) head to Nairobi, Kenya to pick up UN prize for a sustainable energy development project in Vietnam.

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