Students (6 results)
Sophie Pesek
Sophie Pesek is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. She is interested in using causal inference and remote sensing techniques to support vulnerable ... Continue Reading »

Sarah Sarfaty Epstein
Sarah Sarfaty Epstein is an MS student in the Energy and Resources Group interested in on-farm climate adaptation, resilience and mitigation projects from both the ecological and social perspectives. While ... Continue Reading »

Ben Haley
Ben has unique experience developing energy system models to support energy transformation decision making in his role as Co-Founder of Evolved Energy Research. His models have been utilized by parties ... Continue Reading »

Cora Kingdon
Cora Kingdon is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. As an interdisciplinary scholar, she draws from environmental economics, climate science, decision making under deep ... Continue Reading »

Hikari Murayama
Hikari’s research largely focuses on combining remote sensing and machine learning methods to study human impacts on large spatial scales. She was selected to be a Data Science Fellow at ... Continue Reading »

Kelsey Alford-Jones
Kelsey is a PhD candidate, focusing on qualitative research spanning the fields of global climate and environmental politics, political ecology, critical development studies, human and Indigenous rights, and environmental conflict. ... Continue Reading »
Alumni (16 results)
TopDina Washburn
Competing in the California Power Market: Bonneville’s Struggle to Overcome the Barriers (’86 M.A.)

Nicole Lau
As a M.S. graduate in 2024 from UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, Nicole is interested in researching how climate change is affecting the way disturbances (wildfires, bark beetles…) interact ... Continue Reading »

Nia Jones
Dear White People: Recommendations to Successfully Attract, Recruit, and Retain Minoritized Students in Green Energy (MS ’22) A native of the nation’s Capitol, Washington, D.C., Nia was born into the ... Continue Reading »

Reem Rayef
Reem is a concurrent MPP/ERG student at UC Berkeley. She is broadly interested in leveraging energy policy toward the decarbonization of transportation and transit systems in urban settings. Previously, Reem ... Continue Reading »

Michelle Sims
At ERG, Michelle is interested in environmental and equity challenges within global food systems. In particular, her research focuses on the dynamics of land use change in agricultural landscapes in ... Continue Reading »

Anushah Hossain
The Value of Connectivity: A Case Study of Cellular Networks in the Rural Philippines (MA ’18) Anushah’s background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of ... Continue Reading »

Phillippe Phanivong
Managed Workplace Charging of Electric Vehicles as a Grid Asset (MS ’18) Phillippe is an MS student at ERG. His research interests are in the integration of distributed energy resources ... Continue Reading »

Joseph Rand
Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

Yoshika Crider
Yoshika has a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. She combines methods from environmental engineering and public health to study safe water and sanitation, with a focus ... Continue Reading »

Anna Brockway
New challenges facing electric power systems: Integrating technical realities and policy goals (PhD ’22) Anna Brockway is a PhD from the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. She holds ... Continue Reading »
- climate adaptation
- economics
- electricity grid
- electricity markets
- energy
- Energy System Modeling
- renewable energy integration
- renewable energy policy
- solar energy
- utility business models

Cecilia Han Springer
Policies for an Ecological Civilization: China, Carbon, and Economic Reform (PhD ’19) Cecilia is a PhD candidate at ERG. Her dissertation uses economic modeling and social science to critically analyze ... Continue Reading »

Jim Williams
M.S. 1986 – A Vehicular Power Plant Application of the Monolithic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ph.D. 1995 – Fan-Lizhi’s Big Bang: Science and Politics in Mao’s China ERG alumnus Jim Williams, now ... Continue Reading »
- acid rain
- Arctic haze
- China
- comparative religion
- cosmology
- dissidents and outlaws
- economic globalization and cultural survival
- fuel-cell powered vehicles
- global change
- over the last ten years: speech synthesizers
- science and politics
- the theory and practice of Utopia

Justin West
Justin’s background in botany and agroecology informs his research in perennial crop farming systems and woody biomass coppice. Most recently he has been researching tropical fodder bank systems in South ... Continue Reading »

Jessica Reilly
Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »
- climate adaptation
- coastal resilience
- international development
- narratives as science
- renewable energy mapping
- rural resources
- Science communication
- visual media

Peter Marsters
Peter Marsters is a Master’s candidate at ERG focusing on the environmental impacts of unconventional fossil fuel developments. He came to ERG from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, ... Continue Reading »

Nkiruka Avila
Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »
News (32 results)
ERG Professor Isha Ray Emphasizes Hand-washing in the Midst of Covid-19
April 21, 2020
In the current pandemic of Covid-19, ERG professor Isha Ray points out how the public health directive to "wash your hands" is a challenge for people lacking access to clean water. In her article on Matrix, she describes the need to increase water and sanitation investments to prevent further spread of disease and to simply increase the standard of living for all families.

Zeke Hausfather Cited by the Washington Post on 2017’s Concerning Temperatures
January 25, 2018
Recently, scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported that 2017 was among the warmest years in history. While the two agencies approach global temperature measurements differently, both ... Continue Reading »

ERG’s Big Event 2025
February 4, 2025
ERG’s Big Event 2015. Photo by Dick Norgaard. Get ready—ERG and the ERG Alumni Network are bringing back The Big Event after 10 years, and the excitement is building! ... Continue Reading »

Energy Access in Informal Settlements: ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen Convene a Conference for the Spotlight Kampala Collaboration
May 23, 2023
Colleagues from Uganda, Washington, Arizona and West Virginia travel to Berkeley to progress joint work with ERG’s Jess Kersey and Dan Kammen on the Spotlight Kampala initiative.

ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Recent Fusion Breakthroughs Could Pave the Way for Clean Energy
December 14, 2022
A recent breakthrough in fusion energy technology is a landmark achievement in the development of clean energy.

ERG Alumna Barbara Haya on the Ins and Outs of Carbon Offsets
October 7, 2020
In a recent Washington Post article, "How do carbon offsets work?", ERG alumna Barbara Haya was quoted on the purpose of carbon offsets and how they potentially help reduce overall carbon emissions. The article discusses both the benefits and drawbacks of enforcing carbon offsets, and offers an in-depth look on their utilization. “The whole purpose of offsets is to create a way for an individual or a company or a university to pay someone else to reduce emissions to cover emissions that they can’t reduce themselves," Haya states.

ERG Professor Isha Ray on the Reality of Drinking Water Monitoring in Rural India
September 2, 2020
ERG professor Isha Ray recently co-authored and published her research paper, "The reality of water quality monitoring for SDG 6: A report from a small town in India" on IWA Publishing. The paper features their study of microbial water quality in a small town (Alibag) in India, and focuses on the weaknesses of water quality monitoring and testing infrastructure. "We show the practical limitations of monitoring for fecal indicator bacteria to meet SDG 6... We find that even when water quality monitoring and testing infrastructure is in place, low institutional capacity and the pressure to not ‘fail’ the expected water quality standards can result in the failure to accurately report bacterial water quality," the paper states.

ERG PhD Student Ian Bolliger Researches How COVID-19 Measures Prevented Over 500 Million Infections
June 16, 2020
ERG PhD student Ian Bolliger was recently titled part of a research team that published a study "The effect of large-scale anti-contagion policies on the COVID-19 pandemic". Their research found that the emergency COVID-19 measures prevented more than 500 million infections around the globe.

ERG Alumni Gleick and Cooley Link Clean Water Access to Coronavirus Prevention
March 30, 2020
In an article titled "Hand-washing is critical in the fight against coronavirus, but what if you don't have safe water?" published by The Hill, authors ERG Alumni Peter Gleick and Heather Cooley highlight the critical need to increase clean water access in America in order to protect families from the Coronavirus and lack of drinkable water.

ERG Alum Hausfather Reveals Hottest Decade Ever
February 3, 2020
ERG Alumnus Zeke Hausfather was recently cited on The Washing Post and KQED for analyzing new data revealing how "2019 capped world’s hottest decade in recorded history".

Distinguished Scientist and ERG Emeritus Remembering Jack Hollander
December 3, 2019
ERG emeritus professor Jack M. Hollander passed away on November 10, 2019 at age 92.

ERG Graduate Student Advisor Kay Burns Receives Berkeley’s Highest Advising Honor
December 18, 2018
ERG graduate student advisor Kay Burns (pictured with ERG/CNR Undergraduate Advisor Ryann Madden and ERG Professor Emeritus Dick Norgaard) has been named a 2018 recipient of the the Mary Slakey ... Continue Reading »

Carbon Loopholes: Report by ERG Student Cecilia Springer in New York Times
September 6, 2018
In an article examining the costs of carbon pollution "outsourcing" this week, The New York Times featured a report co-authored by ERG student Cecilia Springer.

How Does Building a New Suburb Affect the Atmosphere?
March 15, 2018
A team of scientists at the University of Utah as well as several other universities decided to take a closer look at the effects of expanding suburban communities near Salt ... Continue Reading »

WA Solar Powered “Net-Zero Community” on Lopez Island
March 6, 2018
ERG alumni Chris and Chom Greacen explain the vision and execution that brought to life the Common Ground community on Lopez Island, WA. Read about the project’s origins and objectives, efficiency ... Continue Reading »

Climate Change Slowing Down Wind Turbines? Kammen Weighs In
December 12, 2017
With global temperatures increasing, researchers analyze the effects of temperature differences on wind patterns. Multiple studies confirm the possibility of wind resources declining across the Northern Hemisphere, reducing the energy ... Continue Reading »

Adds Plug for Impeachment Kammen Resigns State Department Science Envoy post
August 23, 2017
ERG Professor Dan Kammen resigned as US State Department Science Envoy on Wednesday morning, August 23. His letter is attached below. Read more about his resignation at the following links: ... Continue Reading »

Kammen and Hausfather of ERG Respond to Withdrawal from Paris Agreement
June 22, 2017
ERG Professor Dan Kammen and graduate student Zeke Hausfather respond to President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement

No Pause in Global Warming Says ERG Grad Student Hausfather NOAA Was Right
January 11, 2017
A controversial paper published two years ago that concluded there was no detectable slowdown in ocean warming over the previous 15 years — widely known as the “global warming hiatus” — has now been confirmed using independent data in research led by researchers from UC Berkeley and Berkeley Earth.

ERG Professor Kammen: We’re Placing Far too much Hope in Pulling Carbon Dioxide Out of the Air
October 20, 2016
ERG professor Dan Kammen commented for the Washington Post on the uncertainty of negative emissions as a viable fix for the planet's warming.

ERG’s Energy Research Featured in Multiple News Outlets
May 25, 2016
“Research at the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory [ERG Professor Daniel Kammen’s lab] at the University of California Berkeley highlights that while cities currently contribute to global climate change by ... Continue Reading »

The magic number: Holding warming under 2°C is the goal. It may already be too late.
December 1, 2015
Dan Kammen comments for the Washington Past on negative emission technology as a key to keep warming to two degrees, without major emissions cuts before the year 2020.
WorldAffairs: “What’s it like to worry about every drop?”
August 12, 2015
ERG associate professor Isha Ray talks about the reality of life with restricted water access.

Siegner finalist in Feeding the Planet’s Storyfest
May 3, 2015
Signer writes about the potential of urban foraging

California could power itself three to five times over with solar
March 17, 2015
ERG postdoctoral fellow Hernandez with Hoffacker and Field from Stanford publish in Nature Climate Change.

Why people use less energy on Super Bowl Sunday
January 28, 2015
Data provided by Joseph Kantenbacher, ERG PhD candidate, underpins an analysis showing how it is that significantly less energy is used by Americans on Super Bowl Sunday.

What if it’s not that “green”?
October 22, 2014
NBC interview of Dr. Kammen on new technology not meeting green expectations.

Water Quality: Woelfle-Erskine’s Search for Salmon
October 10, 2014
“As the dry season becomes more intense and rainfall more erratic, we’d expect to see this pattern propagating northward.”

Brown Schwarzenegger
September 10, 2014
Kammen speaks at Schwarzenegger's climate pep rally where both parties agree that it's time to fight the dark side.

Professor Ray & Team Selected for 2014 Obama-Singh Award
August 25, 2014
The Berkeley team will work with faculty from IIT Bombay on a 3-year effort titled the Sustainable Indian Water Infrastructure Project (SIWIP): A Systems Approach.

Are Obama’s Carbon Rules Enough?
June 3, 2014
The New York Times calls the EPA's emission proposals "modest." Professor Dan Kammen points out the challenge.

Narain calls for Reinventing India’s Growth
April 22, 2014
Watch Sunita Narain's "thought provoking and disturbing" conversation during ERG's 20th Annual Lecture co-hosted with the Center for South Asia Studies.
Topics (2 results)
Yoshika Crider
Yoshika has a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. She combines methods from environmental engineering and public health to study safe water and sanitation, with a focus ... Continue Reading »

Fermin Reygadas
Point-of-Use Ultraviolet Water Disinfection: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Safe Water for Rural Households of Baja California Sur, Mexico (MS ’07) From Efficacy to Sustained Use. A Comprehensive Evaluation of an Ultraviolet ... Continue Reading »