The Energy and Resources Group trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers that are defining and solving the systemic, inextricably linked, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing the globe. ERG has built an unparalleled reputation for rigor and relevance through its unique interdisciplinary model. While ERG alumni share a common skillset in practical problem solving, their areas of substantive expertise and their employment interests are amazingly diverse.


Heather Cooley


Impact of Agricultural Practice on Regional Climate in a Coupled Land Surface Mesoscale Model (04 MS)

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Crane-Droesch, Andrew

Andrew Crane-Droesch


Andrew does applied empirical research at the intersection of international development and the environment. His goals center on the provision of rigorous evidence to inform policies aimed at enabling sustainable ... Continue Reading »

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Crider, Yoshika

Yoshika Crider


Yoshika has a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. She combines methods from environmental engineering and public health to study safe water and sanitation, with a focus ... Continue Reading »

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Cushing, Lara

Lara Cushing


Lara is interested in the relationship between social inequalities and the environment, including how environmental and social stressors interact to impact health. Her work seeks to better understand the disproportionate ... Continue Reading »

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Eric Cutter


Getting Serious About Water Wheeling in California: Learning from the Experience of the Natural Gas and Electric Industries (01 MS) Research Interests: Removing impediments to water markets and transfers in ... Continue Reading »

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Lynn Danielson


California Building Energy Standards: A Local Perspective (81 MA)

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Dar, Zubair

Zubair Dar


Zubair is a Master’s student who researches water policy and management of international river basins, and is particularly focused on hydro-politics of the Indus basin. He has researched the relationship ... Continue Reading »

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Naim Darghouth


Sustainability of Micro-grids and Solar Home Systems: Evaluating Means for Rural Electrification in Africa (’06 MS) Uncertainties in the Value of Bill Savings from Behind-the-Meter, Residential Photovoltaic Systems: The Roles ... Continue Reading »

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Dees, John

John Dees


John’s research is primarily concerned with macro-energy systems analysis. He is interested in the life cycle characteristics of renewable energy systems, with a current focus on the carbon drawdown potential ... Continue Reading »

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Christine Demchak


Complexification and Organizational-Institutional Design: The Case of the U.S. Radioactive Waste Program (’80 M.A.)

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Depsky, Nicholas

Nicholas Depsky


Drought in Central America: Past Patterns and Future Projections (MS ’19) Nick’s primary research focus is on the impacts of climate change on human migration and displacement. Specific focus areas ... Continue Reading »

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Elisabeth Derby


Appliance Standards Transplantation: Applicability of a United States-based Energy Efficiency Standards Model in Costa Rica (’01 M.A.)

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Deshmukh, Ranjit

Ranjit Deshmukh


India’s Low Carbon Electricity Futures (PhD ’17) Ranjit’s research efforts largely focus on addressing the clean energy and energy access challenges in developing nations. As part of both the International ... Continue Reading »

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Kostas Despotakis


A Computable General Equilibrium Model of Energy in the California Economy (’84 Ph.D.)

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Reuben Deumling


The Industrial Ecology of Household Refrigerators: Product Life and the Demand for Materials and Energy (’99 MA) Public Policies, Private Choices: Consumer Desire and the Practice of Energy Efficiency (’08 ... Continue Reading »

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David Dietrich


“Incentive Regulation” of Nuclear Power Plants by State Public Utility Commissions: Program Design for Safety and Economic Efficiency (’87 M.S.)

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Dimitrova, Tanya

Tanya Dimitrova


REDD Hot: How One Community Defends its Forest One Carbon Credit at a Time (MS ’14) Tanya was born and grew up in Bulgaria. She came to ERG after a ... Continue Reading »

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Dodds, Luke

Luke Dodds


Climate and energy policies; the science of climate change and the relationship between happiness and consumption.

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Kari Dolan


Tomorrow’s Clean and Fuel-Efficient Automobile: Opportunities for Cooperation Between Industry and Policy-Makers (91 MS)

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Dolginow, Alex

Alex Dolginow


Valuing Co-benefits of California’s Climate Policy: Industrial Facilities and Public Health (MA ’18) Alex Dolginow is a Master’s degree candidate interested in understanding appropriate design and conditions for ‘environmental markets,’ ... Continue Reading »

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James Downing


Of Microbes and Membranes: Towards more Efficient Wastewater Reclamation Results from a Pilot Study and an Assessment of Water Reuse Planning Issues. (00 MS)

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Navroz Dubash


Commoditizing Carbon: Social and Environmental Implications of Trading Carbon Emissions Entitlements (MA 94) The Agrarian Question and the Institutionalization of Groundwater Exchange in Gujarat, India (PhD 98)

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Jennifer Dunne


Climate Change Impacts on Community and Ecosystem Properties: Integrating Manipulations and Gradient Studies in Montane Meadows (’00 Ph.D.)

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Kristen Durham


Planning a Bioenergy Future: Understanding uncertainty in biomass resource assessment in China (MS ’08)

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Michael Dwyer


Seeing Like a Sagebrush – Measuring and mapping spatial heterogeneity, self-similarity and local vegetation structure (’03 MS) Territorial Affairs: Turning Battlefields into Marketplaces in Postwar Laos (’11 PhD)

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Mark Dyson


Economic, technological, and policy aspects of integrating renewable energy into existing electricity systems using innovative demand response strategies.

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Jeremy Eddy


Quantitative Analysis and Community Decision-Making: A Case Study of Palo Alto’s Organic Waste Management Decision (’09 MS)

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Mohamed El-Gasseir


Design and Simulation of a Novel Hybrid Cooling Cycle for Steam Electricity-Generating Stations (’86 Ph.D.)

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Elmallah, Salma

Salma Elmallah


Characterizing Fairness, Transparency, and Openness in US Wind Project Planning (MS ’19) Salma’s dissertation studies the equity and distributional impacts of residential heating electrification policy and planning, focusing on cities ... Continue Reading »

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Epstein, Katie

Katie Epstein


Katie’s interests are in community forestry, natural resource conflict management, cultural dimensions of ecosystem management and place studies. She graduated with a BA in Anthropology from Davidson College (2010) and ... Continue Reading »

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Errickson, Frank

Frank Errickson


The Joint Effect of Uncertainty and Inequality on Global Climate Policy (PhD ’20) Frank grew up on the central New Jersey coast, completing a B.A. in Political Science with a ... Continue Reading »

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William Jamil Farbes


Identifying Priority Government Investments from AB32 Cap & Trade Revenue (MS, ’10)  

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Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo


Energy in a Developing Country: The Peruvian Case (’80 M.A.)

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Ferrall, Isa

Isa Ferrall


Decentralized solar energy systems for electricity access: historical context and comparisons of reliability (MS ’18); Quantitative approaches to energy justice: examining fair access to reliable electricity (PhD ’22) Isa earned ... Continue Reading »

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Michael Ferry


A Renewable Energy in Vehicles (REV) Mandate: Establishing a Zero Carbon Energy Standard for California Automobiles (MS ’08)

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Steven Fetter


Modeling the Consequences of Accidental Releases of Radioactivity from Fusion Reactors (’83 M.S.) Radiological Hazards of Fusion Reactors: Models and Comparisons (’85 Ph.D.)

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Figel, Sasha

Sasha Figel


Sasha graduated with her Master’s in 2024, and she is interested in land and resource management. Her research is focused on how various groups value natural resources, how the value ... Continue Reading »

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Kevin Fingerman


The System of Rice Intensification: Lessons from South India (MS ’07) Measuring and moderating the water resource impacts of biofuel production and trade (PhD ’12)

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Jolanka Fisher


Trends in Electricity Consumption, Peak Demand, and Generating Capacity in California and the Western Grid 1977-2000 (’02 MS)

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French, Karina

Karina French


Karina is focused on urban climate resilience, specifically studying how climate impacts will affect social infrastructure systems that protect vulnerable populations in cities. At ERG, she is interested in the ... Continue Reading »

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Hannah Friedman


Comparative Guide to Emerging Diagnostic Tools for Large Commercial HVAC Systems (01 MS)

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Nina Friedman


The Iranian Consortium and the Death of the International Petroleum Cartel Case (81 MS)

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Matthias Fripp


Now You See It, Now You Don’t: The metastable defect in boron-doped czochralski silicon (’03 MS) Optimal Investment in Wind and Solar Power in California (’08 PhD)

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Merrian Fuller


Enabling Investments in Energy Efficiency: A study of energy efficiency programs that reduce first-cost barriers in the residential sector (’09 MA)

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Fulton, Julian

Julian Fulton


Julian’s interests lie in the relationships between water use and economic development, focusing on modeling and governance. Mr. Fulton’s previous research includes water use in the transportation sector, conservation strategies ... Continue Reading »

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Karina Garbesi


Experiments and Modeling of the Soil-Gas Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds into a Residential Basement (’88 M.S.) Toward Resolving Model-Measurement Discrepancies of Radon Entry into Houses (’93 Ph.D.)

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Betsy Gardiner


Diesel Particulate: An Evaluation of Data on the Carcinogenic Risk and Policy Implications (83 MS)

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Michel Gelobter


The Distribution of Air Pollution, By Income and Race (’90 M.S.) Race, Class, and Outdoor Air Pollution: The Dynamics of Environmental Discrimination from 1970-1990 (’93 Ph.D.)

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Gershenson, Dimitry

Dimitry Gershenson


Dimitry currently works as a Program Manager on Facebook’s Global Impact Partnerships Team. Prior to Facebook, Dimitry was a graduate student at ERG where he worked on market assessment for ... Continue Reading »

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Rebecca Ghanadan


Questioning Inevitability of Energy Pathways: Alternate Energy Scenarios for California (’02 MA) Public Service or Commodity Goods? Electricity Reforms, Access, and the Politics of Development in Tanzania (’08 PhD)

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D. Asher Ghertner


Shifting Environmental Trends: A Life-Cycle, Consumption-Based Approach to Environmental Indicators (’04 MA) Rule by Aesthetics: World-Class City Making in Delhi (’10 PhD)

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Andre Ghirardi


Alcohol Fuels from Biomass in Brasil: A Comparative Assessment of Methanol and Ethanol (83 PhD)

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Thomas Giller


Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: the US, W. Germany and Canada (83 MA)

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Peter Gleick


Environmental Consequences of Hydroelectric Development: The Issue of Size (’80 M.S.) Regional Water Availability and Global Climatic Change: The Hydrological Consequences of Increases in Atmospheric CO2 and Other Trace Gases ... Continue Reading »

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Brandon Glenn


Renewable Energy Certificates and Project Development: A Case Study of the Rosebud Wind Turbine’s Success (’09 MS)

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Goddard, Jessica Joan

Jessica Joan Goddard

MS 2014 (ERG), MS 2015 (Eng.), PhD

Urban Water’s Hydra: Stormwater’s Problematization in LA (MA ’14) Measuring Drinking Water Affordability and Sustainability (PhD ’20) At ERG, Jess (PhD 2019) co-developed metrics for water affordability in the state’s ... Continue Reading »

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Peter Goering


Residential Energy Demand Analysis: Theory and Practice (85 MA)

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Golden, Rachel

Rachel Golden


Achieving Long-term Climate Goals in the US: Unlocking the Potential of High-Efficiency Electric Technology in Our Homes and Buildings (MS/MPP ’16) Rachel is interested in advancing policies that can help ... Continue Reading »

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Charles Goldman


Technical Performance and Cost-Effectiveness of Conservation Retrofits in Existing U.S. Residential Buildings (83 MS)

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William Golove


Measuring Energy Efficiency: A Critique of the Energy-GNP Ratio (95 MA) Avant Le Deluge: An Investigation on Some Neglected Dimensions of Electricity Restructuring in California (’06 PhD)

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Patrick Gonzalez


Dynamics of Biodiversity and Human Carrying Capacity in the Senegal Sahel (97 PhD)

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Anand Gopal


Life of Sugar: Developing Lifecycle Methods to Evaluate the Energy and Environmental Impacts of Sugarcane Biofuels (PhD ’11)

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Gordon, Pierce

Pierce Gordon


Investigating Innovation Practice: Cross-disciplinary Studies in International Development (PhD ’18) As a NSF, Chancellor’s, and InFEWS Fellow in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG), Pierce investigates frameworks, methodologies, and contexts ... Continue Reading »

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Gorman, Will

Will Gorman


Effects of Electricity Consumption and Rate Design on Solar Plus Storage-enabled Grid Defection (MS ’19) “Sunsetting the Grid? Opportunities for Customer-Sited Solar and Storage in Modern Electricity Systems (PhD ’22) ... Continue Reading »

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Shannon Graham


International Investment in Kenyan Solar PV Rural Electrification: Scaling-up or Damaging a Market? (01 MA)

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Vivian Gratton


Toxic Trouble in Fruitvale: An Exploration of Education in Science-Based Societal Issues (87 MS)

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Greacen, Chris

Chris Greacen


Community Context and Technology Options in the Yurok Tribal Electrification Project (’97 MS) The Marginalization of “”Small is Beautiful””: Micro-Hydroelectricity, Common Property, and the Politics of Rural Electricity Provision in ... Continue Reading »

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Kathleen Greely


Energy Conservation Retrofits in Public Housing: An Analysis of Their Energy Savings and Cost-Effectiveness (85 MS)

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Donna Green


Renewable Energy Technology Systems for Remote Area Electrification in Indonesia: A Critical Review of Technology Transfer (’00 M.A.) Power Games: The Political Use of Solar Technology in Northern Thailand (04 PhD)

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F. Bailey Green


The Global Environment, A Curriculum for Secondary Schools (’90 M.S.) The Energetics of Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems (’98 Ph.D.)

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