Search Results for: environmental justice

Pages (13 results)


About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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Who We Are

A Brief History of ERG For thirty years, the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at the University of California, Berkeley has provided its outstanding graduate students and exceptional faculty the ... Continue Reading »

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Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

The Energy and Resources Group – graduate degrees that make a difference The Energy and Resources Group (ERG) trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers who are defining and solving the systemic, ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Summer Minor and Certificate

Make sustainability your work, your future, and your world. The Energy and Resources Group’s Sustainability Minor/Certificate program offers a practical and relevant interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of environmental, economic, ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty Recruitment

The University of California, Berkeley seeks applicants for four tenure track (assistant professor) positions and one tenured (associate or full professor) position in the area of “Climate Equity and Environmental ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Open Positions

Join the ERG Team The Energy and Resources Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 ... Continue Reading »

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Give to ERG

Your donation to ERG provides critical funding and academic opportunities for our graduate students. ERG has a 50-year history of outstanding research, teaching, policy advice and scholar-activism. ERG has researched ... Continue Reading »

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Minor/Certificate FAQs

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning What is the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous instruction, and online courses vs. remote instruction courses? Courses originally offered online (i.e. Energy and Society and Water ... Continue Reading »

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Critical Ruralities Lab

Critical Ruralities Lab

Youjin Chung convenes the Critical Ruralities Lab, housed within the Departments of Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) at UC Berkeley. Members of the ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Annual Lecture 2024

ERG Annual Lecture 2024

The Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley has, from its inception a half century ago, educated many of today’s experts and policymakers about the truly interdisciplinary nature of global ... Continue Reading »

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Students (15 results)

Djoulakian, Hasmik

Hasmik Djoulakian


Hasmik Djoulakian (she/her) is a Master’s student in the Energy Resources Group. Her research interests involve applying frameworks of feminist political ecology, cultural geography, and environmental justice to examine the ... Continue Reading »

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McAdams, Jasmine

Jasmine McAdams


Jasmine is a MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, with a passion for supporting robust and equitable decision-making in climate and energy. Her research interests include developing ... Continue Reading »

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Grayson, Alexandra

Alexandra Grayson


Alexandra (she/her) is a second-year Master of Science candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. She is particularly interested in furthering procedural environmental justice ... Continue Reading »

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Adachi, Eleanor

Eleanor Adachi


Eleanor Adachi (she/her) is a Master’s student in both the Energy and Resources Group and the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley and a NSF Graduate Research Fellow. ... Continue Reading »

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Campbell, Nica

Nica Campbell


Nica Campbell is an PhD candidate at the Energy and Resources Group. Her research interests include corporate sustainability, environmental justice and policy making mechanisms. At ERG, she explores ways to ... Continue Reading »

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Miles, Samuel

Samuel Miles


Samuel Miles is a Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley. Sam studies electrical and political power systems. He pairs frameworks from environmental ... Continue Reading »

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Gill-Wiehl, Annelise

Annelise Gill-Wiehl


Annelise Gill-Wiehl is currently an NSF Graduate Student Researcher and a Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Dr. Dan Kammen ... Continue Reading »

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Strecker, Jesse

Jesse Strecker


Jesse Strecker is a researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, and an interdisciplinary political economist. They hold an MPP ... Continue Reading »

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Yu, Hilary

Hilary Yu


Mining Data on Reclaimed Coal Mines: a Machine Learning Approach to Assessing Habitat Suitability (MS ’18) Hilary received her B.A. in Government and Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Ecology ... Continue Reading »

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Ball-Burack, Ari

Ari Ball-Burack


Ari Ball-Burack is a first year PhD student in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Dr. Dan Kammen. He studies data and computational ... Continue Reading »

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Lockwood, Cello

Cello Lockwood


Cello Lockwood is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Cello’s interests revolve around advancing Actionable Science to co-produce more innovative, decision-relevant, and impactful knowledge that can accelerate ... Continue Reading »

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Singhal, Aaryaman “Sunny”

Aaryaman “Sunny” Singhal


Aaryaman “Sunny” Singhal earned a dual-degree in 2024 from the Energy and Resources Group and the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC-Berkeley. He is interested in water security in ... Continue Reading »

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Rempel, Jenny

Jenny Rempel


Surfacing Overlying Rights: Assessing Transitions in Overlying Rights to California’s Groundwater Basins (MS ’20) Jenny grew up in Fresno, California, and graduated from Stanford University with an interdisciplinary environmental science ... Continue Reading »

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Alford-Jones, Kelsey

Kelsey Alford-Jones


Kelsey is a PhD candidate, focusing on qualitative research spanning the fields of global climate and environmental politics, political ecology, critical development studies, human and Indigenous rights, and environmental conflict. ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (19 results)

Siegner, Alana

Alana Siegner


Alana Siegner received her B.A. from Tufts University in Environmental Science and International Relations, and served as an AmeriCorps National Teaching Fellow in Boston for two years after graduating from ... Continue Reading »

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Depsky, Nicholas

Nicholas Depsky


Drought in Central America: Past Patterns and Future Projections (MS ’19) Nick’s primary research focus is on the impacts of climate change on human migration and displacement. Specific focus areas ... Continue Reading »

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Tome, Emma

Emma Tome


Who Governs a Sustainable Neighborhood? Planning a Community-scale Retrofit in Oakland, California (MS ’18) Emma’s interests are at the intersection of climate change adaptation, environmental justice, and science and technology ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Siegner, Alana

Alana Siegner


Growing Environmental Literacy: On Small-Scale Farms, in the Urban Agroecosystem, and in School Garden Classrooms (PhD ’20) Alana Siegner graduated from Tufts University in 2012 with a double major in ... Continue Reading »

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Gwen Ottinger


Education, Public Issues, and Everyday Relevance: Making the Links in the Development of a Middle School Life Science Curriculum (99 MA) Grounds for Action: Community and Science in Environmental Justice ... Continue Reading »

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Anita Milman


Environmental Justice? An Analysis of Air Pollution and Power Plants in California (’04 MA) Bordering on Water Management: Ground and Wastewater in the United States-Mexico Transboundary Santa Cruz Basin (’09 ... Continue Reading »

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Ponce de Leon Barido, Diego

Diego Ponce de Leon Barido


Demand-side Knowledge for Sustainable Decarbonization in Resource Constrained Environments: Applied Research at the Intersection of Behavior, Data-mining, and Technology (PhD ’18) Links: Personal Website Life at ERG Blog Posts ALUMNI ... Continue Reading »

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Cushing, Lara

Lara Cushing


Lara is interested in the relationship between social inequalities and the environment, including how environmental and social stressors interact to impact health. Her work seeks to better understand the disproportionate ... Continue Reading »

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Tadepalli, Sanjana

Sanjana Tadepalli


Sanjana (she/her) is a Master’s graduate from 2024. She is interested in climate justice, participatory methods, and environmental communication. Before coming to ERG, Sanjana was a researcher at the Disaster ... Continue Reading »

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Ott, Zora

Zora Ott


Zora is a MA graduate in 2024 from the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in political ecology, climate-resilient development, deliberative processes, energy and climate justice, rural development and ... Continue Reading »

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Sparti, Chelsi

Chelsi Sparti


Chelsi belongs to the Winnemem, Nomtipom, and Nomsus bands of the Northern Wintu people, and is of European settler descent. She carries out collaborative research with Puerto Rican residents to ... Continue Reading »

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Jones, Nia

Nia Jones


Dear White People: Recommendations to Successfully Attract, Recruit, and Retain Minoritized Students in Green Energy (MS ’22) A native of the nation’s Capitol, Washington, D.C., Nia was born into the ... Continue Reading »

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Oshun, Molly

Molly Oshun


Putting biodiversity on the map: exploring spatial dimensions of California biodiversity for conservation planning (MS ’22) Molly studies California watersheds. Her research investigates strategies to improve forest health, protect biodiversity, ... Continue Reading »

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Siddique, Samira

Samira Siddique


Development for the Stateless: the Displacement-Development Nexus and Implications for the Future (MS ’19) Samira Siddique is a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Energy ... Continue Reading »

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Koppe, Alison

Alison Koppe


Reduce, Reuse, Regulate: Repurposing the Clean Air Act to Limit Power Plants’ Carbon Emissions (MS ’14) Alison will graduate in Spring 2014 with an ERG M.S. and a J.D. from ... Continue Reading »

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Avila, Nkiruka

Nkiruka Avila


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »

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News (6 results)

New Climate Equity and Environmental Justice Cluster Brings Faculty Mills-Novoa to ERG

New Climate Equity and Environmental Justice Cluster Brings Faculty Mills-Novoa to ERG

Meg Mills-Novoa has joined the Energy and Resources Group as part of a group of new faculty members recruited through Rausser College's Climate Equity and Environmental Justice cluster initiative to further climate justice research.

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ERG’s Salma Elmallah on Justice Implications of Solar and Wind Energy Projects

ERG’s Salma Elmallah on Justice Implications of Solar and Wind Energy Projects

ERG PhD student Salma Elmallah has recently been published in the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning with an article that explores the drivers of solar and wind project siting ... Continue Reading »

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Study shows PFAS threat to drinking water in rural, predominantly Latinx communities

predominantly Latinx communities Study shows PFAS threat to drinking water in rural

Public water wells in communities of color might be disproportionately polluted by pesticides contaminated with harmful per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), according to a new study led by a team ... Continue Reading »

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Jesse Ribot Awarded 2018 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship

Jesse Ribot Awarded 2018 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship

Congratulations to ERG alum Jesse Ribot, who received the 2018 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in the field of  Geography and Environmental Studies. The award aims to further the development ... Continue Reading »

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Kammen: UC Divestment is a “no-brainer”

Kammen: UC Divestment is a “no-brainer”

UC faculty, alumni and student activists say it's time to take divestment seriously. Professor Kammen gives insight into why in the East Bay Express.

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Schwarzenegger, Brown, Kammen: Fighting Fossil Fuel’s “Dark Shadow”

Brown Schwarzenegger

Kammen speaks at Schwarzenegger's climate pep rally where both parties agree that it's time to fight the dark side.

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Topics (10 results)

Gonzales, Adriana

Adriana Gonzales


Adriana Gonzales is a PhD student at the Energy and Resources Group. Gonzales’ interests includes examining how the responses of local Caribbean communities to energy inequities in the wake of ... Continue Reading »

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Xi Xi

Xi Xi


Xi Xi is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource group. Xi Xi uses interdisciplinary methods such as quantitative modeling techniques and policy analyses to assess impacts on emissions, energy ... Continue Reading »

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Setiawan, Rachman

Rachman Setiawan


Rachman Setiawan is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource Group, focusing on energy sectors. He worked as an engineer in a Solar PV company where He conducted surveys, analysis, ... Continue Reading »

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Murillo, Sara

Sara Murillo


Sara (she/her) is a first-year MS student in the Energy and Resources Group with a passion for advancing solutions to domestic energy equity issues. Her research interests are centered around ... Continue Reading »

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Moses Mbewe, Edward

Edward Moses Mbewe


Edward Moses Mbewe is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Mbewe interests includes identifying, critically reviewing, and publishing on sustainable and environmental developments in energy. Mbewe’s goal ... Continue Reading »

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Lockwood, Cello

Cello Lockwood


Cello Lockwood is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Cello’s interests revolve around advancing Actionable Science to co-produce more innovative, decision-relevant, and impactful knowledge that can accelerate ... Continue Reading »

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Djoulakian, Hasmik

Hasmik Djoulakian


Hasmik Djoulakian (she/her) is a Master’s student in the Energy Resources Group. Her research interests involve applying frameworks of feminist political ecology, cultural geography, and environmental justice to examine the ... Continue Reading »

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Choi, Minah

Minah Choi


Minah Choi (she/hers) is a first year Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Her research interests include political ecology, community-based conservation, and STS. At ERG, Minah hopes to ... Continue Reading »

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Katta, Anjali

Anjali Katta


Anjali Katta (she/her) is a Masters student in the Energy Resources Group. She is interested in environmental, climate, and economic justice on both local and international scales. She has a ... Continue Reading »

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Adachi, Eleanor

Eleanor Adachi


Eleanor Adachi (she/her) is a Master’s student in both the Energy and Resources Group and the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley and a NSF Graduate Research Fellow. ... Continue Reading »

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