Search Results for: impacts of climate change

Pages (10 results)

Climate & Carbon Sciences Program

Climate & Carbon Sciences Program

The research mission of the Climate & Carbon Sciences Program is to advance the understanding and prediction of multiscale climate dynamics, abrupt and extreme climate events, terrestrial feedbacks to climate change, and their impacts on energy and water resources.

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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Student Led Publications

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Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)

Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)

RAEL is engaged in projects to develop the science, technology, policy needs and to foster engagements that explore the future of energy, specifically the transition to a low-cabon, environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable energy system.

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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ERG's newsletters featuring updates on faculty, commencement speakers, awards and ERG Ph.D., Master's and minor students.

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Undergraduate Minor in Energy and Resources

The Minor in Energy and Resources offers under­grad­u­ates basic knowl­edge and skills to address issues arising from the inter­ac­tion of social, eco­nomic, polit­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors shaping our world. ... Continue Reading »

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Open Positions

Join the ERG Team The Energy and Resources Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (2 results)

Mills-Novoa, Meg

Meg Mills-Novoa

Assistant Professor

Meg Mills-Novoa is a human-environment geographer who researches the enduring impacts of climate change adaptation projects. She is jointly appointed to the Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

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Torn, Margaret

Margaret Torn

Adjunct Professor

The focus of my work is carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and trace-gas flux between soil and atmosphere. I conduct research on soil carbon, global change, and the impacts of human activities on ecosystem processes.

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Students (7 results)

Rennels, Lisa

Lisa Rennels


Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Assessment Models: Supporting Result Characterization (MS ’19) Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, ... Continue Reading »

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Zahid, Mustafa

Mustafa Zahid


I’m interested in using cutting-edge data to assess how environmental factors causally affect social and economic outcomes, teasing out important impact channels and mechanisms to assess how communities and individuals ... Continue Reading »

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Speizer, Simone

Simone Speizer


Simone Speizer is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. Her research interests center on air pollution and climate impacts, and especially their intersections with ... Continue Reading »

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Kingdon, Cora

Cora Kingdon


Cora Kingdon is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. As an interdisciplinary scholar, she draws from environmental economics, climate science, decision making under deep ... Continue Reading »

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Hall, Anaya

Anaya Hall


Modeling Organic Waste Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration in California (MS ’19) Anaya (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. She is ... Continue Reading »

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Yu, Hilary

Hilary Yu


Mining Data on Reclaimed Coal Mines: a Machine Learning Approach to Assessing Habitat Suitability (MS ’18) Hilary received her B.A. in Government and Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Ecology ... Continue Reading »

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Best, Dennis

Dennis Best


Dennis has focused his career on technology and sustainability policy in emerging and developing economies. His research interests include technology and innovation policy and impacts to resource and rural development, ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (19 results)

Depsky, Nicholas

Nicholas Depsky


Drought in Central America: Past Patterns and Future Projections (MS ’19) Nick’s primary research focus is on the impacts of climate change on human migration and displacement. Specific focus areas ... Continue Reading »

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Levinson, Michelle

Michelle Levinson


Harnessing Financial Motivation to Drive Transportation Electrification: a Resource for Electric Utility Regulators (MA ’19) Michelle is a concurrent degree student at the Goldman School of Public Policy and the ... Continue Reading »

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Ledna, Catherine

Catherine Ledna


Modeling Adaption to Sea Level Rise Under Uncertainty (MS ’19) Catherine received a BA in Economics from Dartmouth College, with a minor in Environmental Studies. Prior to coming to ERG, ... Continue Reading »

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Vásquez, Váleri

Váleri Vásquez


Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »

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Bolliger, Ian

Ian Bolliger


Monitoring and Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change with Emerging Environmental Datasets and Machine Learning (PhD ’20) Ian works to provide decision-makers with quantitative, high-resolution projections of the socioeconomic impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Reilly, Jessica

Jessica Reilly


Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »

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Shiyayo, Lynn

Lynn Shiyayo


Lynn is a MS student and researcher in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies at the intersection of transportation, climate, and equity ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Castro, Felipe

Felipe Castro


On Rate Regulation in Modern Electricity Sectors (PhD ’17) Felipe was a Ph.D. Candidate with ERG. His research seeks to improve the understanding and organization of energy systems, leveraging methods, ... Continue Reading »

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Marshall, Adrienne

Adrienne Marshall


Adrienne works on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the public and private forests and wild lands of California. She is interested in understanding how the natural resources in these ... Continue Reading »

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Otlhogile, Monkgogi

Monkgogi Otlhogile


Monkgogi (who goes by MK) was born and raised in Botswana and recently graduated cum laude with her BA from Scripps College in Environment, Economics, and Politics. Personally, MK has ... Continue Reading »

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Amber Kerr


Drought resilience of maize-legume agroforestry systems in Malawi (PhD ’12) Amber Kerr is an agricultural ecologist focusing on climate change impacts and adaptation. She has studied nutrient cycling in California ... Continue Reading »

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Jennifer Dunne


Climate Change Impacts on Community and Ecosystem Properties: Integrating Manipulations and Gradient Studies in Montane Meadows (’00 Ph.D.)

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Laura Schewel


Shop ‘Till We Drop: A Historical and Policy Analysis of Goods Movement in the U.S. (MS ’11) Transportation Behavioral Data and Climate Change (PhD ’20) Laura studies the environmental impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Cushing, Lara

Lara Cushing


Lara is interested in the relationship between social inequalities and the environment, including how environmental and social stressors interact to impact health. Her work seeks to better understand the disproportionate ... Continue Reading »

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Christianson, Danielle Svehla

Danielle Svehla Christianson


At times the problem of understanding phenomena is one of seeing. That is why Danielle explores new ways of demystifying complexity through visual representation. She seeks new techniques to illustrate often-forgotten, yet fundamental dependencies between human society and the natural world. One such technique is terrestrial laser scanning (also known as LIDAR), which she used to create a 3-D model of her ecological study site in the Sierra Nevada. This along with her seedling research seeks to inform the uncertain future of resource management.

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Avila, Nkiruka

Nkiruka Avila


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »

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Aden, Nate

Nate Aden


Taking the Man Out of Manufacturing: Drivers and Components of Industrial Sector Low-Carbon Transformation (PhD ’17) Nate Aden completed his PhD at the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and is ... Continue Reading »

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News (23 results)

Adaptation for Climate Change Impacts Researched by ERG Student Szinai and Professor Jones

Adaptation for Climate Change Impacts Researched by ERG Student Szinai and Professor Jones

ERG PhD student Julia Szinai and assistant adjunct professor Andrew Jones were recently featured in AGU news for their research on evaluating cross-sectoral impacts of climate change and adaptations on the energy-water nexus.  “How we adapt to climate change in the water sector can exacerbate or offset impacts on the grid,” Szinai states. “And so those interactions shouldn’t be ignored in planning.”

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Students return from KTH Royal Institute of Technology exchange

Students return from KTH Royal Institute of Technology exchange

The eight-week exchange program offered participants the opportunity to study energy research abroad.

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ERG Students, Alumni, and Faculty Lead “Power, Water and Climate” Research

Alumni ERG Students

Current ERG PhD student Julia Szinai, alumnus Ranjit Deshmukh, ERG professor Dan Kammen, and assistant adjunct professor Andrew Jones were recently featured by UCSB for their leading research in "Power, Water and Climate". Working with researchers from UC Santa Barbara and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, they developed "a framework evaluating the impacts of climate change on California’s water and energy systems".

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ERG Professor Kueppers’ Research on Climate-Threatened Forests Published in Science

ERG Professor Kueppers’ Research on Climate-Threatened Forests Published in Science

ERG Professor Lara Kueppers recently co-authored a research paper titled "Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world". The research focuses on how global warming negatively impacts forests around the world, "resulting in shorter and younger trees with broad impacts on global ecosystems." Furthermore, the paper was picked up on various media sources, including Forbes, Science, Berkeley Lab, and others. 

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ERG Almnus Daniel Sanchez Interviewed in “Breakthroughs” on Climate Change Solutions

ERG Almnus Daniel Sanchez Interviewed in “Breakthroughs” on Climate Change Solutions

ERG Alumnus Daniel Sanchez was recently featured in Breakthroughs, the magazine of the Rausser College of Natural Resources, for his work as a Cooperative Extension specialist. Along with other featured specialists, the article focuses on their work on "tackling climate change's impacts on Californians."

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Scientific American Cites ERG Alumnus Jones on How Coronavirus Impacts CO2 Emissions

Scientific American Cites ERG Alumnus Jones on How Coronavirus Impacts CO2 Emissions

ERG alumnus Christopher Jones was recently cited in both Scientific American and Global News articles.  In both articles, he discusses how Coronavirus is effecting global carbon emissions and the general environment.

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ERG Zeke Hausfather Warns Normalizing “Worst Case” Climate Change

ERG Zeke Hausfather Warns Normalizing “Worst Case” Climate Change

In a recent article published by Nature, ERG Alumnus Zeke Hausfather suggests that using a more-realistic baselines for emissions would make for better policy in fighting global warming.

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ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG alum, Dr. Patrick Gonzalez presents scientific findings to Representative Mike Quigley and other members of the U.S. House of Representatives Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Members in the U.S. Capitol

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Dan Kammen and Tom Steyer Comment on the Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity

Dan Kammen and Tom Steyer Comment on the Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity

A recent report released from the United Nations details the threat that climate change and human activities pose to hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species and their biodiversity. ... Continue Reading »

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Patrick Gonzalez Selected to be a Lead Author of IPCC’s Next Major Climate Change Report

Patrick Gonzalez Selected to be a Lead Author of IPCC’s Next Major Climate Change Report

ERG alumnus Patrick Gonzalez (PhD ’97) has been selected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to be a lead author for a chapter about freshwater ecosystems in their ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Professor Anthoff: Climate Change at the International Level

ERG Professor Anthoff: Climate Change at the International Level

ERG Professor David Anthoff discusses climate change at the international level for Berkeley's C&R Breakthroughs magazine.

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One grad student’s story: from English lit to global climate talks

One grad student’s story: from English lit to global climate talks

ERG grad student Valeri Vasquez will be at the COP21, acting as a counselor to the co-chair of the United Nations climate negotiations, Daniel Reifsnyder. She has been advising on the mediation and negotiations among the 195 national parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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23-year experiment finds surprising global warming impacts

23-year experiment finds surprising global warming impacts

Professor John Harte and team's paper on results of a 23-year ecosystem experiment in Rocky Mountain meadowlands featured in Guardian.

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Holdren on Climate Change in the USA

Holdren on Climate Change in the USA

Watch Dr. John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science & Technology and ERG Co-founder, discuss the newly released National Climate Assessment report.

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ERG Adjunct Professor Margaret Torn Conducts Vital Research on Carbon Dioxide Removal

ERG Adjunct Professor Margaret Torn Conducts Vital Research on Carbon Dioxide Removal

ERG adjunct professor Margaret Torn was featured in EurekAlert for her contributed work on a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) primer. The article cites the research as a valuable resource on CDR technologies and policies, and how such strategies can help create a serious plan to address climate change. "Atmospheric CO2 concentrations are already 50% over historic natural levels - 270 ppm (parts per million) in pre-industrial times vs 414 ppm today," Torn stated. "To slow climate change and avoid its worst impacts, climate scientists tell us that we need to restore atmospheric CO2 concentrations to about 350 ppm or less. To do that, we need CDR technologies and policies to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere."

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ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

During a recent House Natural Resources Committee event titled “Climate Change and Public Lands: Examining Impacts and Considering Adaptation Opportunities,” ERG alumnus Patrick Gonzalez (PhD ’97) provided testimony as an ... Continue Reading »

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Dan Kammen Featured in Recent WIRED Article

Dan Kammen Featured in Recent WIRED Article

ERG Professor Dan Kammen was quoted in a recent WIRED article addressing the effective withdrawal of US funding for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Energy and Resources Group Chair, Professor Daniel M. Kammen. His appointment began July 1, 2017. Daniel Kam­men is a Pro­fes­sor of Energy with ... Continue Reading »

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Northern States Might Profit as the Planet Warms, New Study by ERG Postdoc James Rising Finds

New Study by ERG Postdoc James Rising Finds Northern States Might Profit as the Planet Warms

If you live in the South, climate change could kill your economy.

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ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG is offering four of its most popular courses this summer! Enroll Today!

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A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

ERG team study showing how off-grid power can improve equality in energy access published in Nature Climate Change. Interview with lead author Peter Alstone.

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Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.

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ERG students win United Nations award

ERG students win United Nations award

Jalel Sager (PhD candidate) and Austin Cappon (Minor) head to Nairobi, Kenya to pick up UN prize for a sustainable energy development project in Vietnam.

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Topics (1 results)


Jean Ku


Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options for China: Multi-Lateral Recommendations and Local Initiatives: A Case Study of Automobile Pollution in Beijing (’00 M.S.)

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