The Energy and Resources Group trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers that are defining and solving the systemic, inextricably linked, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing the globe. ERG has built an unparalleled reputation for rigor and relevance through its unique interdisciplinary model. While ERG alumni share a common skillset in practical problem solving, their areas of substantive expertise and their employment interests are amazingly diverse.


Steve Greenberg


Improving Efficiency in Electric Motors and Motor Drives in Commercial Buildings (87 MS)

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Nathanael Greene


The Effects of Transmission Pricing on the Cost of Electricity from Renewables (96 MS)

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Gunther, Andrew

Andrew Gunther


An Introduction to the SAI Airshed Grid Model and Its Application to California’s South Coast Air Basin (’82 M.S.) Nitrogen Cycling in a Subarctic Alaskan Watershed: The Role of Lichens ... Continue Reading »

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Naina Gupta


Combining Super-Efficient Appliances with Off-Grid Solar Photovoltaics (12 MS)

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David Gustafson


Weltanschauung in the People’s Republic: Implications for Offshore Oil Development in East Asia (79 MS)

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Dipak Gyawali


An Historical Approach to the Problems in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (’86 M.A.)

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Brent Haddad


Evaluating the Market Niche: Why Long-Term Rural-to-Urban Inter-Regional Markets for Water Have Not Formed in California (’96 Ph.D.)

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Jane Hall


Economic Benefits of Controlling Sulfur Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (’77 Ph.D.)

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Eric Hallstein


A Critical Analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment for Costa Rica’s Siquirres Hydroelectric Project (MS ’97) Can Household Consumers Save the Wild Fish? Lessons from a Sustainable Seafood Advisory (PhD ... Continue Reading »

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Han Springer, Cecilia

Cecilia Han Springer


Policies for an Ecological Civilization: China, Carbon, and Economic Reform (PhD ’19) Cecilia is a PhD candidate at ERG. Her dissertation uses economic modeling and social science to critically analyze ... Continue Reading »

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Hanbury-Brown, Adam

Adam Hanbury-Brown


Predicting the future of forests under global change: the critical role of the regeneration process (PhD ’22) Adam is a PhD focused on ecosystem modeling and remote sensing. His research ... Continue Reading »

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Hansen, Evan

Evan Hansen


Cultivating Partnerships: Pest Control and The Use of Integrated Pest Management on Small Farms in San Joaquin County, California (MS ’97) Contact: ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: What have you been working ... Continue Reading »

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Bret Harper


Statistical Methods for Quantifying the Effect of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Wind Power in the Northern Great Plains (’07 MS)

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Sasha Harris-Lovett


Decision Support for Multi-benefit Urban Water Infrastructure (PhD ’18) Sasha Harris-Lovett received a PhD from the Energy and Resources Group in 2018. Her dissertation research focused on urban water and ... Continue Reading »

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Hausfather, Zeke

Zeke Hausfather


Understanding and Reconciling Global Temperature Records (PhD ’19) Zeke is an energy systems analyst and data scientist with a strong interest in climate science and policy. He is currently the ... Continue Reading »

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Dianne Hawk


Electric Transmission Service Provision: A Case Study of Southern California Edison Company (’91 M.A.) Disconnect: A Transaction Cost Analysis of California Electric Power Industry Restructuring (’99 Ph.D.)

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Haya, Barbara

Barbara Haya


Evaluation of World Bank Public Participation Policies-Lessons for the Clean Development Mechanism (’02 MS) Carbon Offsetting: An Efficient Way to Reduce Emissions or to Avoid Reducing Emissions? An Investigation and Analysis of ... Continue Reading »

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Richard Hayes


An Extension of Cline’s Global Warming Benefit-Cost Model (’96 M.A.) A Scenario of Economic Well-Being, Ecological Integrity and Social Equity for the 21st Century (04 PhD)

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He, Gang

Gang He


Gang’s research work focuses on energy mod­el­ing, energy eco­nom­ics, energy and cli­mate pol­icy, coal and power sec­tors and their key role in both the global energy sup­ply and in inter­na­tional ... Continue Reading »

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Garvin Heath


(Re)Distributing Pollution: Exposure Implications for Distributed Electricity Generation in California (’02 MS) Redistributing Pollution: Exposure Implications of a Shift Toward Distributed Electricity Generation in California (’06 PhD)

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Henry, Hilary

Hilary Henry


Hilary is interested in developing innovative conservation tools for the lands and waters in the Western United States using applied science, policy, and community engagement. She graduated Duke University in ... Continue Reading »

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Douglas Herman


Engineering and Economic Optimization of Cogeneration Bottoming Cycles (’82 M.S.)

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Edgar Hertwich


Science and Value Judgement in the Toxic Impact Evaluation of Products, Processes, and Companies (’96 M.S.) Toxic Equivalency: Addressing Human Health Effects in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (’99 Ph.D.)

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Hidalgo-Gonzalez, Patricia

Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez


Learning and Control Systems for the Integration of Renewable Energy into Grids of the Future (PhD ’20) Patricia is a Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley co-advised by Daniel Kammen and ... Continue Reading »

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Jeff Hobson


Science and the People: The Use of Technical Information about Air Pollution by Local Environmental Groups (’97 M.S.)

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Jennifer Holthaus


The Importance of Cultural Understanding in International Organizations: A Comparative Study of the IBWC and the BECC (’98 M.A.)

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Darby Hoover


Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Unearthing the Metaphors in the Garbage Dump (’96 M.A.)

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Nicole Hopper


Getting Electricity Prices Right: The Importance of Real-Time Pricing Tariff Design (03 MS)

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Hossain, Anushah

Anushah Hossain


The Value of Connectivity: A Case Study of Cellular Networks in the Rural Philippines (MA ’18) Anushah’s background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of ... Continue Reading »

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David Howarth


US Electric Utility Industry Restructuring: Issues for Native American Tribes (’96 M.A.)

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Erich Huffaker


NOT ALL DR CREATED EQUAL: Assessing the Role of Backup Generation in Demand Response (MS ’12)

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Nathan Hultman


Inter-Annual Climate Variability and Carbon Uptake in a Young Forest Ecosystem (99 MS) Carbon Financial Risk in the International Greenhouse Gas Market (03 PhD)

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Hyun, Christopher

Christopher Hyun


With 10+ years of international field experience, 5+ in water and sanitation, as well as project management and professional development in higher ed, I aim to create a better society and environment for all.

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Jack Ihle


Comparing the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Biomass, Wind, and Natural Gas Electricity Generation (’99 M.S.)

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Stacy Jackson


Quick Wins for Climate: A Gas-Specific Framework for International Mitigation Policy (MS ’08) Nuances of Climate Change Mitigation: Four Different Goals and Approaches in the Climate Boxes Framework (PhD ’12)

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Jacome, Veronica

Veronica Jacome


Reshaping the relationships in Ungula’s electricity sector: the advent of the prepay meter (MS ’15) Presumptions and Precarity: Probing Electricity Infrastructure (PhD ’20) Veronica Jacome is a PhD student in ... Continue Reading »

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Jagannathan, Kripa

Kripa Jagannathan


Ready-to-use? Bridging the Climate Science Usability Gap for Adaptation (PhD ’19) Kripa’s research interests are in the field of climate change adaptation and climate-resilient planning. Her PhD focuses on improving ... Continue Reading »

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James, Oliver

Oliver James


Oliver is a concurrent ERG/MPP student at UC Berkeley. His research and policy interests lie at the intersection of climate change, conservation, and natural resource management in California and the ... Continue Reading »

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Kathryn Janda


Worldwide Status of Energy Standards for Buildings (’93 M.S.) Building Change: Effects of Professional Culture and Organizational Context on Energy Efficiency Adoption in Buildings (’98 Ph.D.)

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Jarvis, Stephen

Stephen Jarvis


Stephen is a PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy & Resources Group and a Researcher at the Energy Institute at Haas. His work lies at the intersection of economics, public ... Continue Reading »

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Deborah Jensen


Mitigation Banking: Protecting Resources or Minimizing Enforcement Costs? (’87 M.S.) Population Differentiation in Tree-Ring Growth Responses of White Fir (Abies Concolor) to Climate: Implications for Predicting Forest Responses to Climate ... Continue Reading »

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Ling Jin


Trade and the Choice of Environmental Law (’03 MS) A Seasonal Perspective on Regional Air Quality in Central California (’08 PhD)

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Kersten Johnson


“FuelBelts”: Shelterbelts for Fuelwood Production on Small/Marginal Farms in India (87 M.S.)

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Nathan Johnson


A Hierarchical Concept of Industrial Ecology: Scale, Values and the Paper Industry (’98 M.S.)

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Johnston, Josiah

Josiah Johnston


Josiah Johnston grew up in a rural part of the Ozark Mountains. He is great at construction and swinging a pick. Between college and grad school he lived in Baltimore ... Continue Reading »

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Andrew Jones


Biofuel Boundaries: Estimating the Medium-Term Supply Potential of Domestic Biofuels (MS ’07) Land use change is a critical influence on the climate effects of climate policies (PhD ’12)

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Jones, Christopher

Christopher Jones


Chris Jones is Director of the CoolClimate Network, a university-government-industry partnership at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lecturer at the Haas School of Business. His primary research interests are ... Continue Reading »

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Evan Jones


Financial Incentive Policies to Promote End-Use Solar Technologies in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Comparing the Costs (’97 M.A.)

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Jones, Nia

Nia Jones


Dear White People: Recommendations to Successfully Attract, Recruit, and Retain Minoritized Students in Green Energy (MS ’22) A native of the nation’s Capitol, Washington, D.C., Nia was born into the ... Continue Reading »

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Robert Jourdain


Some Limitations of the ‘Appropriate Technologies” for Peasant Agriculture (’78 M.S.)

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Junquera, Victoria

Victoria Junquera


Victoria became interested in food systems through her work on biofuels, first as an engineer at a biodiesel plant, and most recently at the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels. Victoria received ... Continue Reading »

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Adam Kahane


Economic Aspects of the Brazilian Alcohol Program (’85 M.A.)

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Fredrich Kahrl


China’s Carbon Challenge (MS ’07) Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in China: Growth, Transition, and Institutional Change (PhD ’11)

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Margereta Kalka


Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential of Residential Gardens and Climate Friendly Diet Choices (12 MS)

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Fatumata Kamakate


Assessing Diesel Particulate Matter Pollution in West Contra Costa County (’05, MS)

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Sara Kamins


A Comparative Analysis of Global Warming Policies for California’s Electricity Sector (06, MS)

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Anna Kantenbacher


Environmental policy making; balancing short-term pressures with long-term needs; climate changes policies; economics; decision analysis; ecology.

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Joseph Kantenbacher


Joe’s broad research interests include sustainable consumption and pro-environmental behavior change. His dissertation explores the linkages between psychological well-being and the environment, arguing that happiness and sustainability are synergistic concepts ... Continue Reading »

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Kamal Kapadia


Can Energy Markets Work for Rural Development? An Analysis of World Bank/GEF Rural Electriciation Projects in Sri Lanka (’03 MA) Developments after a Disaster: The Tsunami, Poverty, Conflict and Reconstruction ... Continue Reading »

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Forest Kaser


Point-of-Use Ultraviolet Water Disinfection: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Safe Water for Rural Households of Baja California Sur, Mexico (’07 MS)

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Jeannie Katsigris


Technology and Rural Industrialization Deep in China’s Hinterlands: A Study of Technology Transfer in Rural Industries in Qinghai Province’s Haidong Prefecture (’96 M.S.)

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Joshua Kay


Analysis of the Performance and Cost Effectiveness of Nine Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems Funded by the DOE Small Grants Program (’82 M.S.)

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Taylor Keep


Continuous Demand Response: Using Loads to Manage Real-Time Energy Imbalance on the Electricity Grid (’11 MS)

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Kelly, Sean

Sean Kelly


The Kelp Catalyst: Marine Aquaculture, Food Security, and Local Economies in Alaska (MS ’22) While Sean is particularly interested in food systems, urban agriculture and food sovereignty, he is also ... Continue Reading »

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Dennis Kelso


Aquarian Transitions: Technological Change, Environmental Uncertainty, and Salmon Production on North America’s Pacific Coast (’00 Ph.D.)

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Kevin Kennedy


Local Negotiations in Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permitting: A Comparison of Economic and Communication Models in Four Case Studies (’96 Ph.D.)

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Amber Kerr


Drought resilience of maize-legume agroforestry systems in Malawi (PhD ’12) Amber Kerr is an agricultural ecologist focusing on climate change impacts and adaptation. She has studied nutrient cycling in California ... Continue Reading »

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Marta Khrushch


Carbon Emissions Embodied in Manufacturing Trade and International Freight of the Eleven OECD Countries (’96 MS)

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Laura King


Ecological Consequences of the Cooling Requirements of Electrical Power Generation (MS ’77)

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Kinzig, Ann

Ann Kinzig


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ann Kinzig Ph.D. ’94 Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University Perhaps more than most alumni, Ann Kinzig’s intellectual path has traversed ERG’s interdisciplinary ... Continue Reading »

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Michael Kiparsky


Science-Policy Interface in the Case of Climate Change and California Water Management (MS ’04) A Risk Analysis for Water Resources Under Climate Change, Population Growth and Land Use Change (PhD, ... Continue Reading »

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Charles Kirubi


How Important is Modern Energy for Micro-Enterprises? Evidence from Rural Kenya (’06 MS) Expanding Access to Off-grid Rural Electrification in Africa: An Analysis of Community-based Micro-grids in Kenya (’09 PhD)

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Kittner, Noah

Noah Kittner


Energy Systems Integration and Innovation for a Clean Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Noah is an MS/PhD student at ERG. After graduating with a BS in Environmental Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, ... Continue Reading »

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Knapstein, Jessie

Jessie Knapstein


Energy policy wonk trying to craft and institute economically efficient policy to promote the use of renewable energy technologies and reduce our emissions.

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Jonathan Koomey


A Simplified Spreadsheet Model for Assessing the Load and Energy Impacts of Demand-Side Programs for Selected Residential Appliances (’86 MS) Energy Efficiency Choices in New Office Buildings: An Investigation of ... Continue Reading »

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Koppe, Alison

Alison Koppe


Reduce, Reuse, Regulate: Repurposing the Clean Air Act to Limit Power Plants’ Carbon Emissions (MS ’14) Alison will graduate in Spring 2014 with an ERG M.S. and a J.D. from ... Continue Reading »

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Laurie Koteen


A Comparison of Carbon Cycling in Native Perennial and Exotic Annual Grass Communities in Northern Coastal California (’09 PhD)

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Leslie Kramer


Electrical Load Management in Malta: A Preliminary Assessment (’88 M.A.)

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Jean Ku


Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options for China: Multi-Lateral Recommendations and Local Initiatives: A Case Study of Automobile Pollution in Beijing (’00 M.S.)

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Peter Kuhn


Preliminary Report on an Inventory of Energy Conservation Potential in California: The Cement Industry (MS ’79)

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Ronald Kukulka


Industrial Cogeneration in the California Food Processing Industry: An Analysis of the Potential and Barriers (’77 M.S.)

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