Search Results for: Mexico

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Water Group

Water Group

The ERG Water Group as an interdisciplinary collaboration focused on the social dimensions of water. Members work on issues of equitable access and efficient, sustainable management of freshwater resources for both humans and the environment in the US and across the globe.

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ERG's newsletters featuring updates on faculty, commencement speakers, awards and ERG Ph.D., Master's and minor students.

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Students (1 results)

Villalpando Páez, María

María Villalpando Páez


María is interested in exploring rural and peasant women’s role in the advancement of food sovereignty and in understanding the complex negotiation processes between communities, individuals, and the environment in ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (17 results)

Sparti, Chelsi

Chelsi Sparti


Chelsi belongs to the Winnemem, Nomtipom, and Nomsus bands of the Northern Wintu people, and is of European settler descent. She carries out collaborative research with Puerto Rican residents to ... Continue Reading »

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Adriana Valencia


Improved Cookstoves in Michoacán, México:  A Search for an Integrated Perspective that Promotes Local Culture, Health, and Sustainability (’04 MS) Missing Links:  Demystifying Alternative Energy Use and Improving Decision Making ... Continue Reading »

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Tracey Osborne


Carbon Capital: The Political Ecology of Carbon Forestry and Development in Chiapas, Mexico (’10 PhD)

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Anita Milman


Environmental Justice? An Analysis of Air Pollution and Power Plants in California (’04 MA) Bordering on Water Management: Ground and Wastewater in the United States-Mexico Transboundary Santa Cruz Basin (’09 ... Continue Reading »

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Omar Masera


Sustainable Energy Scenarios for Rural Mexico: An Integrated Evaluation Framework for Cooking Stoves (’90 M.S.) Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Fuelwood Use Dynamics and Fuel Switching in Rural Mexico (’95 ... Continue Reading »

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Micah Lang


Point-of-Use Ultraviolet Water Disinfections: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Safe Water for Rural Households of Baja California Sur, Mexico (’07 MA)

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Forest Kaser


Point-of-Use Ultraviolet Water Disinfection: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Safe Water for Rural Households of Baja California Sur, Mexico (’07 MS)

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Sifuentes, Froy

Froy Sifuentes


The world is witnessing a rapid advance in renewable energy with China as one in the forefront. However, adding enough renewable energy to satisfy China's growing power needs is quite complex. ERG Ph.D. candidate, Froy Sifuentes, focuses on the challenges of integrating wind power to help make China's grid cleaner. Read on and learn more about Froy and his work (and fun) at ERG.

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Reygadas, Fermin

Fermin Reygadas


Point-of-Use Ultraviolet Water Disinfection: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Safe Water for Rural Households of Baja California Sur, Mexico (MS ’07) From Efficacy to Sustained Use. A Comprehensive Evaluation of an Ultraviolet ... Continue Reading »

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Reilly, Jessica

Jessica Reilly


Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »

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Ponce de Leon Barido, Diego

Diego Ponce de Leon Barido


Demand-side Knowledge for Sustainable Decarbonization in Resource Constrained Environments: Applied Research at the Intersection of Behavior, Data-mining, and Technology (PhD ’18) Links: Personal Website Life at ERG Blog Posts ALUMNI ... Continue Reading »

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Kittner, Noah

Noah Kittner


Energy Systems Integration and Innovation for a Clean Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Noah is an MS/PhD student at ERG. After graduating with a BS in Environmental Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, ... Continue Reading »

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News (8 results)

ERG’s Maria Villalpando Examines Food Sovereignty in Rural Mexico Through Tortillas

ERG’s Maria Villalpando Examines Food Sovereignty in Rural Mexico Through Tortillas

A piece by ERG PhD student Maria Villalpando was recently published in the Feminist Food Journal on how the history of tortillas can inform our discussion of food sovereignty in ... Continue Reading »

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Transportation Emissions in Mexico City – How Big Data is Driving Change

Transportation Emissions in Mexico City – How Big Data is Driving Change

Mexico City is one of the most congested cities in the world, and it’s taking a toll on the health of its citizens and the environment. Sergio Castellanos, a postdoctoral ... Continue Reading »

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Lessons from Fracking in the USA and Mexico – ERG’s Kammen, Ponce de Leon, and Marsters Examine Mexico’s Energy Future

Ponce de Leon Lessons from Fracking in the USA and Mexico – ERG’s Kammen

Last week, Dan Kammen, Diego Ponce de Leon, and Peter Marsters published their analysis of the environmental, social, economic, and community impacts of the shale industry on Mexico. The team ... Continue Reading »

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ERG’s Dan Kammen Interviewed in MCJ Podcast On Nuclear Energy, Carbon Pricing, and More

Carbon Pricing ERG’s Dan Kammen Interviewed in MCJ Podcast On Nuclear Energy

ERG professor Dan Kammen was featured in the latest episode of the My Climate Journey (MCJ) Podcast. Kammen discussed numerous topics, including the feasibility of carbon pricing in the US, the implications of switching a fossil fuel economy to a renewable economy, and much more. "There's no question that 100% renewables is possible. I've done a lot of research, my lab works on scenarios to get the U.S., China, Mexico, Kenya, Bangladesh, Morocco to 100% renewables. And in many cases where the technology mix is improving enough, the climate favors that you can do that. It's also a case that we are not today ready to think about a solar and wind only world, but solar and wind plus storage, plus geothermal, plus potentially nuclear," Kammen states.

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ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships, NSF & More

NSF & More ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships

3 current Switzer fellows, 2 more NSF fellows, and more. See the list of awards ERG students have received.

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ERG PhD awarded as Ashoka Fellow

ERG PhD awarded as Ashoka Fellow

Fermin Reygadas receives top international award for social entrepreneurs.

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Six ERG students awarded NSF, plus Fulbright & Ashoka

plus Fulbright & Ashoka Six ERG students awarded NSF

ERG students have recently been awarded NSF, Fulbright and Ashoka Fellowships. See the full list of fellowships awarded to current students.

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ERG students win United Nations award

ERG students win United Nations award

Jalel Sager (PhD candidate) and Austin Cappon (Minor) head to Nairobi, Kenya to pick up UN prize for a sustainable energy development project in Vietnam.

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