Search Results for: Brazil

Pages (1 results)


Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Students (3 results)

Cullen, Kate

Kate Cullen


Kate Altemus Cullen (she/her) is a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Energy & Resources Group and Fulbright-Hays Fellow. Her dissertation research examines the role of climate change in exacerbating issues ... Continue Reading »

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Chang, Jack

Jack Chang


Hydrogen’s Potential Role is California’s Zero Emissions Future (MA ’20) I have been focusing on building decarbonization policy, renewable hydrogen and and island electrification as part of my master’s degrees ... Continue Reading »

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Best, Dennis

Dennis Best


Dennis has focused his career on technology and sustainability policy in emerging and developing economies. His research interests include technology and innovation policy and impacts to resource and rural development, ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (10 results)

Bell, Elena

Elena Bell


Elena is a 2024 MS graduate interested in equitable natural resource management relating to agriculture and forestry. She has seven years of experience working at the intersection of agriculture, finance, ... Continue Reading »

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Dolginow, Alex

Alex Dolginow


Valuing Co-benefits of California’s Climate Policy: Industrial Facilities and Public Health (MA ’18) Alex Dolginow is a Master’s degree candidate interested in understanding appropriate design and conditions for ‘environmental markets,’ ... Continue Reading »

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Raquel Moreno-Penaranda


From Livelihoods to Labels: Assessing the Contribution of Organics to the Sustainability of Small Family Farming with Participatory Multi-Criteria Indicators in a Community in Brazil (’08 PhD)

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Lesley McAllister


Questioning Sustainability: Environmental and Social Aspects of Reforestation in Northwestern Costa Rica (’97 MA) Environmental Enforcement and the Rule of Law in Brazil (’04 PhD)

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Kinzig, Ann

Ann Kinzig


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ann Kinzig Ph.D. ’94 Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University Perhaps more than most alumni, Ann Kinzig’s intellectual path has traversed ERG’s interdisciplinary ... Continue Reading »

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Adam Kahane


Economic Aspects of the Brazilian Alcohol Program (’85 M.A.)

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Carolina Balazs


The Role of Small Reservoirs in Rural Livelihoods: A Study in Brazil’s Preto River Basin (MS ’06) Just Water? Social Disparities and Drinking Water Quality in California’s San Joaquin Valley ... Continue Reading »

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News (1 results)


Isha Ray: On the Same Page panel discusses current efforts to reduce poverty

Watch professor Ray discuss current efforts to reduce poverty.

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Topics (2 results)

Benzeev, Rayna

Rayna Benzeev

Rayna is a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow studying tropical forests, socio-environmental systems, forest landscape restoration, and geospatial modeling of land use change. She applies spatial approaches to analyze ... Continue Reading »

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