The Energy and Resources Group trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers that are defining and solving the systemic, inextricably linked, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing the globe. ERG has built an unparalleled reputation for rigor and relevance through its unique interdisciplinary model. While ERG alumni share a common skillset in practical problem solving, their areas of substantive expertise and their employment interests are amazingly diverse.

Froy Sifuentes
The world is witnessing a rapid advance in renewable energy with China as one in the forefront. However, adding enough renewable energy to satisfy China's growing power needs is quite complex. ERG Ph.D. candidate, Froy Sifuentes, focuses on the challenges of integrating wind power to help make China's grid cleaner. Read on and learn more about Froy and his work (and fun) at ERG.
Thomas Sikor
Participatory Methods in Rural Development: ‘Bottom-Up’ or only ‘Close-To’ Development? (’94 M.A.) The Political Economy of Decollectivization: A Study of Differentiation in and Among Black Thai Villages Of Northern Vietnam ... Continue Reading »
Jelena Simjanovic
Mind the Gap. Public-Private Financing Mechanisms for Bridging Valleys of Death and Accelerating Transition to a Clean Economy (MA, ’10)
- carbon markets and finance
- domestic climate policy development
- Energy Efficiency
- international climate policy negotiation
- offset project development
Tania Simoncelli
ACG and INBio: Diverging Approaches to Saving, Knowing and Using Costa Rica’s Biodiversity (’99 MS)
- biodiversity conservation and development
- international environmental and health politics and policy
- social and ethical implications of human and agricultural biotechnology applications

Michelle Sims
At ERG, Michelle is interested in environmental and equity challenges within global food systems. In particular, her research focuses on the dynamics of land use change in agricultural landscapes in ... Continue Reading »
Jonathan Sinton
Indoor Air Pollution in China (Compilation of a Database of Results of Research 1982-1991; with an Application to Residential Energy Supply Options in Shenyang, Liaoning Province) (’92 M.S.) Energy Efficiency ... Continue Reading »
- China
- energy efficiency policy
- energy-related urban and indoor air pollution
- response of developing countries to climate change
Adam Smith
Facets of Biological Conservation: Appropriate Ecology, Policy, and Ethics for Ensuring the Perpetuity of Biodiversity (’09 PhD)
- incentivization of conservation at the international level
- spatial patterns of species diversity
- teaching

Lydia Smith
Subsurface Controls on Carbon Dynamics in a Changing Arctic Ecosystem (PhD ’18) Terrestrial Biological Carbon Dioxide Removal: An Ecological Perspective (MS ’12) Lydia’s research takes her to the Alaskan Arctic, ... Continue Reading »

Ida Sognnaes
Ida Sognnaes is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group. She is originally from Norway and came to Berkeley for the first time as part of her five ... Continue Reading »
- Dynamical systems of energy and resources
- ecological economics
- Human-Natural Complex Networks
- Science and Technology Studies
Anna Sommer
The Water and Energy Nexus: Estimating Consumptive Water Use from Carbon Capture at Pulverized Coal Plants with a Case Study of the Upper Colorado River Basin (’10 MS)

Chelsi Sparti
Chelsi belongs to the Winnemem, Nomtipom, and Nomsus bands of the Northern Wintu people, and is of European settler descent. She carries out collaborative research with Puerto Rican residents to ... Continue Reading »
- climate resilience
- decarbonization
- Disaster Recovery
- energy
- environmental justice
- governance
- policy
- Risk Mitigation
Timothy Springer
Definitions for Recycling and Methods of Measuring Recycling in Santa Clara County, California (’88 M.A.)
- incorporating social justice issues with conversion away from a car-based economy
- pursuing urban revitalization through art/green space planning/bikeways & mass transit
- reduction of solid waste generation rates
Matthew St. Clair
The Renewable Robin Hood: How Taking from Natural Gas Producers and Giving to Energy Consumers Softens the Economic Impact of a Renewable Portfolio Standard (03 MA)

Stephen Stack
Stephen graduated 2024 with his Master’s from the Energy and Resources Group. His work focuses on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the clean energy transition. He is currently ... Continue Reading »
John Stanley
Data Center Energy Efficiency: Granular Monitoring and Organizational Communication (’08 MS)
- economic principle/investments
- engineering principles/physical systems
- social science principles/stakeholders decision making
- whole systems engineering and/or energy efficiency
Michael Starkey
Wilderness, Race, and African Americans: An Environmental History from Slavery to Jim Crow (’05 MA)
Thomas Starrs
Legislative Incentives and Energy Technologies: Government’s Role in the Development of the California Wind Energy Industry (’87 M.A.) Regulating Innovation and Competition in Emerging Technology Markets: The Effects of Utility ... Continue Reading »
- impact of legislation and regulation on energy technology development
- renewable energy - particularly wind and photovoltaics
Norman Stein
Utility Financial Incentive Program: A Financial Incentive Scheme Designed to Stimulate Greater Levels of Conservation Achievement by Investor Owned Utilities (’82 M.A.)
- Energy economics
- not for profit development and financial management
- nuclear weapons policy and development
- organizational management
Corina Stetiu
The Effect of Simplifying the Building Description on the Numerical Modeling of its Thermal Performance (93 MS) Radiant Cooling in US Office Buildings: Towards Eliminating the Perception of Climate-Imposed Barriers ... Continue Reading »
Dave Stoldt
Private Cost of Public Action: Costs to Western Coal Producers of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (’82 M.S.)
- contract negotiation
- financing of water sewer/solid waste/municipally-owned electric power systems
- portfolio management and private equity for early stage companies with east coast/west coast role
- privatization
- risk allocation
- start-up financing and operations for drug discovery tool company
Mark Stout
Comparative Power Analysis of the California Electric Utility Industry Deregulation Process (’97 M.A.)
- electric utility restructuring
- environmental quality and social justice
- expanding renewable energy and energy efficiency
- progressive social movements
- sustainable transportation and land use
Zachary Subin
Greenhouse Gas Abatement Supply Curves for California’s Transportation Sector (MS ’08) Interactions of Water and Energy Mediate Responses of High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change (PhD ’12)

Julia Szinai
Julia studied economics and Spanish at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate, and realized her interest in energy and environmental issues while a research assistant at the UC Energy Institute. After ... Continue Reading »
- climate change
- demand response
- electric system planning
- electric vehicles
- energy policy
- energy water nexus
- renewable integration

Michaelangelo Tabone
Michaelangelo Tabone (MS 2012) is a PhD student in ERG advised by Dr. Duncan Callaway. His research focuses on applying novel statistical methods to topics in energy analysis. Most recently, ... Continue Reading »
- data inference
- Integration of renewable electricity into power systems
- pollution from electricity generation
- residential energy efficiency

Sanjana Tadepalli
Sanjana (she/her) is a Master’s graduate from 2024. She is interested in climate justice, participatory methods, and environmental communication. Before coming to ERG, Sanjana was a researcher at the Disaster ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- development
- disasters
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- environmental humanities
- ethics
- participation
- Science communication
Marika Tatsutani
Unocal Corporation’s SCRAP (South Coast Recycled Auto Project): An Experiment in Corporate Environmental Initiative (’91 MS)
Kim Taylor
Water Quality Monitoring for Effective Regulatory Enforcement: A Review of Options for the NPDES Program in the San Francisco Bay Region (’90 MA) Redefining Environmental Management Problems: The Shift in ... Continue Reading »

Monica Testa
Monica obtained her Masters in 2015 from the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in electric vehicle adoption, alternative energy policy, and sustainable energy development. Her research involves modeling ... Continue Reading »
Ann Thorpe
Organizational Approaches to Wasteland Development: Structural and Functional Aspects of Three Indian NGOs (’89 MA)
Michael Ting
The Silver Bullet with Brown Baggage? Scenarios of the Emissions Impacts of Demand Response in California (05 MS)

Emma Tome
Who Governs a Sustainable Neighborhood? Planning a Community-scale Retrofit in Oakland, California (MS ’18) Emma’s interests are at the intersection of climate change adaptation, environmental justice, and science and technology ... Continue Reading »
Kathy Tonnessen
Integrated Assessment of Environmental Impacts: A Regulatory Approach to the Problem (’79 MA) The Potential Effects of Acid Deposition on Aquatic Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, California (’83 PhD)
- air quality
- aquatic ecology
- inventory and monitoring of natural resources
- parks and protected areas
- Rocky Mountain ecosystems
Margaret Torn
The Threats to Biological Diversity in California (’90 MS) Environmental Controls Over Methane Flux from Ecosystems and the Potential for Feedbacks with Climatic Change (’94 PhD) See Faculty Profile
- biodiversity
- biogeochemistry
- Carbon cycle
- climate change
- conservation
- democracy
- ecosystem goods and services
- ecosystem processes
- isotopes
- land use
Sarah Trainor
Money Talks, But What Can it Say? Bridging the Economic and Philosophic in Wilderness Values & Valuation (98 MA) Conflicting Values, Contested Terrain: Mormon, Paiute and Wilderness Advocate Values of ... Continue Reading »
Derrick Tucker
Appropriate Technology and Soft Energy as Perspectives on Technology – Society Interactions (’86 MA)
Brian Turner
E85, Flex-Fuel Vehicles, and AB 1493: Integrating biofuels into California’s vehicular greenhouse gas regulations (06 MS)
- natural lands conservation and restoration
- policy applications of environmental and ecological economics
- water policy & planning
Matthew Turner
Life on the Margin: Fulsse Herding Practices and the Relationship Between Economy and Ecology in the Inland Niger Delta of Mali (’92 Ph.D.)
Tony Usibelli
The Geopressured Geothermal Resource of the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast; A Technology Characterization and Environmental Assessment (’80 M.S.)
Adriana Valencia
Improved Cookstoves in Michoacán, México: A Search for an Integrated Perspective that Promotes Local Culture, Health, and Sustainability (’04 MS) Missing Links: Demystifying Alternative Energy Use and Improving Decision Making ... Continue Reading »
- Environmental Policy
- preservation of fresh water
- reduction and management of waste
- transnational issues such as global warming
- use and spread of alternative clean technologies to make wise use of natural resources and to conserve non-renewable ones such as oil

Catherine Van Dyke
Catherine is a second year Master’s student at ERG studying California agriculture and climate change. Her research focuses on water governance, resource allocation, and equity for farmers and ranchers in ... Continue Reading »

Váleri Vásquez
Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »
Sintana Vergara
Why do POUs Fail? Barriers to the Adoption of Point of Use Water Treatment Technologies (’07 MS) Transforming trash: reuse as a waste management and climate change mitigation strategy (’11 ... Continue Reading »
- adoption of Point of Use water treatment technologies
- biodiversity
- drinking water treatment technologies and applications in the developing world
- industrial ecology
- life cycle analysis
- solid waste management in U.S. and developing countries
- waste conversion technologies
Nikhil Vijaykar
Consolidation as a Solution for Central Valley Water Woes: An Exploratory Study in Tulare County (’13 MS)
- distributed energy in rural and urban settings
- environmental justice
- land use
- movement building and legal interventions
David Von Hippel
The Effect of Intensive Organic Matter Utilization on Soil Quality: Protecting the Soil Resource Without Giving Up On Biomass (’83 M.S.) An Analysis of an Ethanol-Producing Solar-Bioconversion Process Using the ... Continue Reading »
- Demand Side Management
- integrated resource planning
- international energy/environment modelling and sustainable development

Alexandra Von Meier
Grid-Connected Photovotaics: A Comparison of Three Siting Strategies (’90 M.A.) Cultural Factors in Technology Adoption: A Case Study of Electric Utilities and Distribution Automation (’95 Ph.D.)
- building design
- electric power systems
- Energy Efficiency
- renewable energy technology
- technology and culture

Cyrus Wadia
"In a sense, we’re going through a transition here. The industry is going through a transition that we’re only seeing the beginning of,” says Dr. Cyrus Wadia (PhD’08). Cyrus knows about transitions. He has been a policy advocate, business entrepreneur and scientific innovator for clean energy and human welfare prior, throughout and since his time at ERG. He has not only observed but has been part of the change in the world’s switch to solar. His multiple hats and his work on the frontline edge of policy, economics and science made him a perfect fit for the interdisciplinary program at ERG.
- investigating the resource economics of new material systems for photovoltaics
- nanocomposite photovoltaics
- novel PV device fabrication using aqueous chemistry of nanoparticles
Erika Walther
The Zuni Sustainable Energy Project: Implementing a Photovoltaics Credit Program in a Traditional Economy (’01 M.A.)
- California energy efficiency programs and policy
- electricity production
- international development
- rural electrification
- social context and implications for both
Lucy Wamukonya
Classification of Biomass Fuels for Fouling & Slagging Using Principal Component Analysis (’96 M.S.)
Xiaodong Wang
Comparison of Constraints on Coal and Biomass Fuels Development in China’s Energy Future (’97 Ph.D.)
- air pollution from energy use
- energy and environmental policy issues in China
- Environmental Economics
- renewable energy and energy conservation
Dina Washburn
Competing in the California Power Market: Bonneville’s Struggle to Overcome the Barriers (’86 M.A.)
Robert Watson
Case Study of Energy Efficient Building Retrofit: 40 West 20th Street–Headquarters of the Natural Resources Defense Council (’90 M.S.)
- green buildings
- lighting and other building system efficiency
- multilateral development bank energy sector lending reform
- promoting integrated resource planning in developing countries
- renewable energy
- transportation efficiency
Robert Weisenmiller
Electricity Consumption in California for Residential Heating and Cooling (’77 M.S.)

Justin West
Justin’s background in botany and agroecology informs his research in perennial crop farming systems and woody biomass coppice. Most recently he has been researching tropical fodder bank systems in South ... Continue Reading »
Lee Wexler
Population Growth, Global Warming, and the Carbon Externality to Childbearing (’95 M.S.)
- evolutionary biology
- modeling and simulation of human-ecosystem interaction
- population and environment
Charles White
Closing the Material Loop: Investigating the Dynamics of, Motivations for, and Obstacles to Material Recycling through a Case Study on Product Recovery and Demanufacturing in the Computer Industry (’99 MS) ... Continue Reading »
- environmental design
- environmental performance/regulation/management
- environmental policy with a focus on building government and industry capacity to manage the impacts of industrial technologies
- industial ecology
- public administration and organization theory
Janine White
Public Participation and the Hazardous Waste Management Planning Process in Alameda County (’89 M.S.)
- energy development/environmental degradation linkages
- hazardous substances and waste management
- public policy and participation
- risk perception
- waste treatment
Christopher Williams
The Hands that will Build our Energy Future: Administrative and Labor Capacity for Building Energy Efficiency Policies In China and India (MA ’11)

Jim Williams
M.S. 1986 – A Vehicular Power Plant Application of the Monolithic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ph.D. 1995 – Fan-Lizhi’s Big Bang: Science and Politics in Mao’s China ERG alumnus Jim Williams, now ... Continue Reading »
- acid rain
- Arctic haze
- China
- comparative religion
- cosmology
- dissidents and outlaws
- economic globalization and cultural survival
- fuel-cell powered vehicles
- global change
- over the last ten years: speech synthesizers
- science and politics
- the theory and practice of Utopia
Deborah Wilson
Government Policies and Programs for the Promotion of Residential Energy Conservation, An International Perspective (87 MS)
- climate change: emphasis on CDM/mitigation/adaptation
- environment and development: emphasis on alternative energy options (renewables and efficiency)
Margrethe Winslow
Environmental Quality, Economic Growth, and Democracy: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Linkages (’02 PhD)
Ryan Wiser
Alternative Windpower Ownership Structures: Financing Terms and Project Costs (’96 MS) Public Goods and Private Interests: The Role of Voluntary Green Power Demand in Achieving Environmental Improvements (’02 PhD)

Maggie Witt
Maggie’s research focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of transportation by decreasing both the amount that people drive and the per-mile emissions of personal vehicles. Her work focuses on California’s ... Continue Reading »

Cleo Woelfle-Erskine
In the tradition of Barad and Haraway, I practice Science and Technology Studies (STS) “from the inside”, drawing on my own natural science training to inform the theoretical frameworks I ... Continue Reading »
- community science
- groundwater-surface water interactions
- mediterranean streams
- rainwater harvesting
- salmonids
- Stephanie Carlson Lab
- watershed rehabilitation
Cecile Wolf
Daylight Availability: Review & Analysis of the Literature up to 1979: Relevance to Daylighting Design in the U.S.: Suggestions for Futher Data Collection and Treatment (’79 MA)
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi
NGO Perceptions of Geologic Sequestration (MA ’07) Perspectives on Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the United States (PhD ’11)
Nicole Woodling
The Role of Socioeconomic Analysis in California Marine Protected Area Planning (03 MS)
- eco-certification
- marine conservation
- marine ecology
- marine policy
- marine protected areas
- sustainable seafood

Emily Woods
Impacts of Student-Led Service Learning Water Project in Rural Cameroon (MS’16) A graduate of Georgia Tech with a B.S in mechanical engineering. A selection of her work includes drilling water ... Continue Reading »

Peter Worley
Ohio Industrial Electricity Rates: Is the Price Right? (MS ’19) Peter is interested in investigating the market and regulatory barriers to technological solutions to renewable energy generation, net-zero buildings, and ... Continue Reading »

Grace Wu
Land Use in Renewable Energy Planning (PhD ’18) Inspired by the possibility of ecologically-bounded growth, Grace is interested in water and land use impacts of energy technologies; water management that ... Continue Reading »
- ecological economics
- land use impacts of energy systems
- renewable resource assessment
- spatial statistics
- water-energy nexus
Feng Yang
Integrated-Gasification-Combined-Cycle and Its Future Market Penetration in China (’95 M.S.)
- exploring relations between energy development and environmental degradation in China
- full-cost assessment of technological alternatives for both supply and use of energy including social/economic/institutional aspects
- techniques of raising energy use efficiency
David Yardas
Regional Hydrologic Interdependence and Electric Power System Planning: The Pacific Northwest, California, and the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie (’84 M.S.)
- environmental remediation
- International transboundary water resource conflicts and dispute resolution
- public education (K-12) and private sector support
- source community improvement
- water transfers
Sami Yassa
Acid Deposition and Forest Nutrient Cycles: An Analysis of Changes in Soil Chemistry over Time on Camels Hump Mountain in Northern Vermont (’88 MS)
Emily Yeh
Taming the Tibetan Landscape: Chinese development and the transformation of agriculture (03 PhD)

Edem Yevoo
Edem received his B.S in Environmental Science and Technology, with a concentration in Ecological Technology Design and minor in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from the University of Maryland, College Park ... Continue Reading »

Anna Yip
Anna spent most of her undergrad career studying and analyzing her campus’ ‘Zero Waste by 2020’ goal. She quickly fell in love with the field and plans to dedicate the ... Continue Reading »