The Energy and Resources Group trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers that are defining and solving the systemic, inextricably linked, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing the globe. ERG has built an unparalleled reputation for rigor and relevance through its unique interdisciplinary model. While ERG alumni share a common skillset in practical problem solving, their areas of substantive expertise and their employment interests are amazingly diverse.

Svetlana Zenkin
Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Fleet Transitions to Lower-Carbon Fuels (MS ’14) Svetlana is interested in the intersection of public policy and corporate social responsibility, as well as in the ... Continue Reading »
Nina Zheng
Urbanizing China: Residential Energy Implications and the Role for Energy Efficiency Standards (MS, ’09)
- energy and economic development in china
- global climate change
- renewable energy and energy efficiency policymaking and implementation
- technology transfer and adoption in developing countries
Neil Ziemba
Management of a Contaminated Groundwater Basin in California’s San Gabriel Valley (’88 M.S.)
Scott Zimmermann
Sustainable Biofuels: Designing Indirect Land Use Change Regulations that are Compatible with International Trade Law (MS ’08)
Seth Zuckerman
Social and Ecological Prospects for Second-Growth Forestry in the Mattole Valley (Humboldt County, California) (’90 M.S.)
- alternatives to regulation
- ecological restoration
- forest certification
- how can humans coexist with wild nature/develop a mutually beneficial relationship with nature and live as members of the ecosystems in which they dwell?
- salmon
- socially and ecologically sustainable forestry