A team of UC Berkeley faculty members led by ERG Associate Professor Isha Ray and ERG affiliate Professor Kara Nelson of Environmental Engineering has been selected for the Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative Award of 2014.

The faculty team comprises of experts of South Asia and the water sector, including David Sedlak (Professor of CEE), Ashok Gadgil (Professor of CEE), Pranab Bardhan (Professor of Economics), and Lawrence Cohen (Professor of Anthropology and Director of ISAS).
The award involves a collaboration between the team in Berkeley and a team from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Bombay, India at the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas. The Sustainable Indian Water Infrastructure Project (SIWIP) will be a three-year endeavor by the two teams.
The Obama-Singh initiative is an ongoing educational partnership between India and the United States aimed at cultivating educational reform, fostering economic growth, generating shared knowledge to address global challenges, and developing junior faculty at Indian and American institutions of higher learning.
The award was officially given to UC Berkeley’s Institute for South Asia Studies (ISAS), of which Professor Ray is an Executive Committee Member. The effort is under the urbanWASH initiative of ISAS.
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