THIMBY Tiny House Display at Homecoming

UC Berkeley Krober Plaza

THIMBY will be on campus this Friday for homecoming weekend. In order to complete their project in time, they need your're help!

COLLOQUIUM: Jessica Green

Dr. Jessica Green is an Alec and Kay Keith Professor at the University of Oregon, where she is the founding director of the Biology and Built Environment Center (BioBE), and external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute.

COLLOQUIUM: Jessica Green

Dr. Jessica Green is an Alec and Kay Keith Professor at the University of Oregon, where she is the founding director of the Biology and Built Environment Center (BioBE), and external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute.

COLLOQUIUM: Jessica Green

Dr. Jessica Green is an Alec and Kay Keith Professor at the University of Oregon, where she is the founding director of the Biology and Built Environment Center (BioBE), and external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute.