Danielle is a hydrologist and Postdoctoral Scholar in the Kueppers Lab Group. Her research focuses on using numerical modeling to explore interactions between vegetation and subsurface hydrology in a small, mountainous catchment in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Danielle holds a PhD from Princeton University in Civil and Environmental Engineering where she studied groundwater and surface water quantity at continental scales using integrated hydrologic models. Her background in computational hydrology and high-performance parallel computing has supported massive simulations of hydrologic processes across the United States and contributed to an improved understanding of model biases, subsurface characterization, and long-term groundwater depletion. She’s excited to apply this knowledge to complement the exciting ecohydrological work in the Kueppers Lab!
Danielle Tijerina-Kreuzer Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LDcpFOoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao)
LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-tijerina)