People / Alumni

Adam Hanbury-Brown

Predicting the future of forests under global change: the critical role of the regeneration process (PhD ’22)

Adam is a PhD focused on ecosystem modeling and remote sensing. His research aims to improve the representation of ecological processes, particularly forest regeneration, in Earth System Models (ESMs). Adam is funded by NASA to use remote sensing to study post-fire forest regeneration in California and uses empirical insights from this work to improve vegetation models. During his masters Adam used field observations and GPS collar data to study Roosevelt elk movement and habitat selection in the Klamath Mountains. Prior to his masters, Adam worked for TerViva BioEnergy (2011-2016) where he split his time between plant science and business development. Adam received his BA in Environmental Science (2010) from Pitzer College.

Curriculum Vitae

Fields of Research:

Ecosystem modeling, forest regeneration, remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems, spatial data analysis, fire, animal movement and habitat selection


  • Hanbury-Brown, A., Muller-Landau, H., Wright, J., Powell, T., Kueppers, L. 2022. Simulating environmentally sensitive tree recruitment in vegetation demographic models. Accepted at New Phytologist.
  • Hanbury-Brown, A., Ward, R., Kueppers, L. 2022. Future forests within Earth system models: regeneration processes critical to prediction. Accepted at New Phytologist (Tansley Review).
  • Hanbury-Brown, A. R., J. W. Stackhouse, and L. T. Macaulay. 2021. Elk conflict with beef and dairy producers poses wildlife management challenges in northern California. Ecology and Society 26(1):23.
  • McDowell NG, Allen CD, Anderson-Teixeira K, Aukema BH, Bond-Lamberty B, Chini L, Clark JS, Dietze M, Grossiord C, Hanbury-Brown A, et al. 2020. Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world. Science 368: eaaz9463–eaaz9463.
  • Hanbury-Brown, A. 2009. Physical and Biological Cycles of the Oceans and their Effects on Climate. Chapter 2 in Morhardt, J. E. [ed], 2009. Global Climate Change and Natural Resources. Roberts Environmental Center Press. Claremont, California.


  • PhD, Energy and Resources, University of California, Berkeley, expected May 2022
  • M.S. Energy and Resources, University of California, Berkeley, May 2018


  • NASA Fellowship: Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science Technology
  • NSF Research Traineeship: Data Science for the 21st Century, Fellow
  • UC ANR, Graduate Training in Cooperative Extension, Fellow
  • NSF REBMI Fellow (Research at the Biology-Mathematics Interface)

Research Group(s):

  • Kueppers Lab


Lara Kueppers (

